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Everything posted by Shadowranger

  1. guys this tournament is over but making a post about another tournament with the prize of 1mill =) hope that one recieves better participation from you guys.
  2. :y: more freebees for everyone! :)
  3. Bro I dont need your money I just like to make a point I am a very bad and evil person once you give me the opportunity and force that side of me out. Its completely and utterly your fault for bidding on something and then trying to catch the same thing, I am not your plan B. You see me as bad and as a dictator and I like being just that and to make it clear how much I am enjoying this I'm hosting an event with your 450k and going to give it out not even going to use it. I'll send you an official event invite after the bid just to show you how serious I am about it. I am just happy about passing judgement on you that I don't even care about the money as long as I prove my point :y:
  4. um.. If you don't like it then feel free to leave. you have no right to judge my forum post simply feel free to buzz off and troll someone else. You are a nobody so I don't seem to care about your opinion nonetheless your judgement pal
  5. definitely agree on that but till then we'll have to stick to the old ways :Cry:
  6. Nope asking in the forum doesn't change anything, you outbid everyone in the game only to back down? that's not how this bidding works, Every action has a consequence and if it didnt then everyone would go arround outbidding people just for kicks and nothing would actually get sold, the same reason we have trade mods to moderate these transactions. Just because you merely got a better one doesn't mean you can decide to change your mind whenever u please, since its your fault for bidding on something then going to look for that thing in the first place. I repeat you cannot withdraw until someone outbids you and just in case any funny shenanigans happen, I will be very careful with accepting c/o's now as in selectively accept c/o's as I've stated in the post, if anything seems fishy to me I will simply conclude it as invalid. you have 3 days whether you decide to honor your commitment is entirely up to u but there will be consequences. Good Luck and Good Day. :y:
  7. [glow=red]This is an auction on my Dusknoir which is currently Ev trained and lvl 100, with insanely epic stats and a nice pvp move set which makes it ready for pvp use as soon as its purchased. Below you'll find everything you need to know about it. Currently The Highest offer is 450K by Whtafeeeling so I will not accept any offers below that. I will accept rare candy and MS. MS being valued at 130k and Rare Candy Valued at 11k.[/glow] Feel free to place your bids below if they meet the above criteria :y: Note all bids are final so please be sure about placing your bid since you will be held responsible for it The Estimated Time for bid foreclosure is 3 days, so the bid will end on the 25th at the same time this topic was posted, no bids will be accepted after that date. [Note] I have the right to reject/deny any offers I find shady or unprofitable unless proven otherwise, the Highest bidder will be displayed on the top of the page, unless your name is displayed your still not the highest bid yet.
  8. Re: WTS EPIC Chansey! 2 day duration <r>I bid <E>:y:</E> 150k HMU in the game @ShadowRanger</r>
  9. i cant see it? could u possibily list the IV's, nature and ability? :y:
  10. Re: WTS Chimcar <r>120k add ShadowRanger <E>:y:</E></r>
  11. [glow=red]Hello There Pro Community,[/glow] [glow=red]Recently the number of pokemon in my PC grew rapidly with me catching about 20-30 pokemon per day now, gotta catch them all after all! :Cool: The issue here being that with over 400 pokemon and I am sure some already have 800 or so, its becoming hard to find specific pokemon or even choose which pokemon you want. I've been thinking of a way around that and I came to a conclusion that the best way to resolve that issue would be the addition of a PC search system, Sorting system and even a filtering system. Altough many of us love the classic PC look but a little technology in our pc's wouldn't hurt at all, it would save us the countless hours we spend searching up our pc per week and ease up the work we have to do. The best thing about all this is that it would be very simple to add to a patch. Thank you for the ongoing support and wish you the best on your future en-devours. Sincerely, ShadowRanger[/glow]
  12. 70k for that togepi :Crazy: just hit me up in game on the bidding status and my position in it.
  13. As the post said buying all the respective Pokemon or their evolution. Please list your pokemon with their screenshots and I'll reply to you as soon as possible. :thanks:
  14. Re: Aarathen's Mart (New Epic Poke) <r>220k for that chandelure and 150k for that ferothorn! <E>:Proud:</E> please notify me asap</r>
  15. Oh its alright, I neglected to. well here's a long time favourite of mine and alot of you too. if you guys have any more requests I can post em up to you asap but keep in mind this all the work of Nintendo not me, I am merely ripping them in a minor breach of copyright law :devil:
  16. [glow=red]Hello there, For the past 3 months I've been working on graphically redesigning and recreating Pokemon to create a MMORPG I envisioned would take the MMO world by storm and that would be done with help of the pro team, if they choose to support it. To explain it all let me start by saying I'm sure many of you have played pokemon x and y (3DS 3D version) and loved the gameplay, now the whole new concept here would be the slight change in the pokemon battles and the induction of a pokken tournament style fighting with 6 vs 6 team fighting instead of 1 vs 1, when fighting wild Pokemon or other trainers. Instead of turn by turn combat you'd be able to control your Pokemons movement, abilities and attacks in an action packed adventure, while keeping the tradition pokemon way of gameplay. I've already made out 734 Pokemon and I am hoping with this post to get the attention of the pro team and the player base to try and urge this idea to life and hear opinions about the whole subject. I hope one day to see Pokemon Pro become like that and If they ever will or even consider taking up a project like this I will support them to the fullest of my power.[/glow]
  17. I'll drop down 220k :y: But please tell me the end date of this bid.
  18. 1. I agree with checking the bugged moves, A move that is extra effective or gives more of an edge than it should is to be banned. 2. As for the 2nd one could you clarify, I didn't get what that reference was referring to. 3. As for the results, there is more than 3 ways of finding out the results so the results cannot be manipulated although having a twitch live stream would do well to bring the event some publicity but as for screenshots they are required with every victory or accusation of breech of code so screenshots would be the official thing. Currently what is important is the participation so far we have 2/20 participants and I am looking forward to closing 20/20 very soon.
  19. Currently the limit to the number of players is 20 as that is the threshold needed to start the event and more wouldnt be required to be honest so I'm hoping to limit it at 20, thats why only the first 20 players to qualify would be the ones eligable to participate after that applications will officially close.
  20. 1 .As for the banned moves are currently banned since none of the strong moves are currently implemented in the game, I was going to say gigaimpact but even that isnt that very effective anymore. If you have any concerns about this point feel free to share it. 2. Well in battle or pvp interface the game really plays itself, if the person takes too long he automatically loses, if he dc's he loses, if he breaks any of the above rules a simple screenshot and that person would be automatically disqualified and his win is nullified. 3. Basically I was thinking of something along the lines of a live broadcast on twitch TV through a public tournament channel which only the participants can access to post their battles in and the password would be randomly changed with every match to keep it secure or for those with slow connections or who are unable to do that basic instant screenshots as proof of victory, of couse also it would be obvious since the loser will automatically be ported to the poke center and out of the fight zone nonetheless proof of victory is required!
  21. Some players though it was best to prevent use of those pokemon because they believed it was too OP, in some of the official Nintendo events those Pokemon are also forbidden so we though we might please those players and give them nothing to complain about, Slaking being a sure 1 hit KO with gigaimpact and chansey being the highest hp in the game.
  22. Hey Guys I'm currently selling my slowbro, they say the fewer words the better I'ma just call it Epic and let you guys decide for yourselves! Please put your c/o's down on the forums.
  23. Greetings Pokemon trainers this is an [glow=red]official announcement[/glow] on the upcoming [glow=red]Pokemon Master World Tournament[/glow] and official Invitation to participate in the first ever [glow=red]Pokemon Master World Tournament[/glow] Hosted by Me and sponsored by The [glow=red]StateFarm[/glow] Guild right here on the [glow=red]blue[/glow] server! This tournament will test out your skills as a Pokemon trainer and ability to cooperate with your Pokemon to achieve victory! In this tournament Pokemon Trainers will battle out using a team of 6 Pokemon and attempt to knock out the others players Pokemon in order to achieve victory, The participant that is able to knock out the opponents team 2 times is declared the winner, in-case of draw ( 1 - 1 ) a tie breaker would take place to decide the winner, in simple words best of 3. [glow=red]The tournament will feature a grand prize of 300,000$ for the first place winner along with the title of "Pokemon Master", 120,000$ for the runner up and 80,000$ for coming in 3rd and many more prizes for randomly selected participants. [/glow] [glow=red]Rules:[/glow] 1. You can not use 2 of the same Pokemon. 2. If you disconnect then its your own responsibility unless its a server sided issue. 3. Participants who show misconduct or abuse towards other participants will be immediately disqualified. 4. Players who are found match fix will be automatically disqualified. 5. Use of Pokemons : Suicune, Mew, Slaking and Blisey is strictly not allowed in the matches. [glow=red]Requirements:[/glow] 1. A full team of 6 Pokemon. 2. Successful completion of the kanto Region 3. More than 50 hours of Game play. 4. Proof that you have passed the Qualifying rounds. [glow=red]The Qualifying Rounds:[/glow] The Participants who have successfully completed registration and submitted the registration information within the deadline will be divided into groups and put on the Hunter Trails, those who pass the trails would have officially qualified to participate in the grand tournament! Please note the qualifying rounds will take place until the 18th or until the allotted number of participant slots is filled up [glow=red]Registration Date:[/glow] Currently registration is officially open as of now and the last date for registration is the 17th of April 2016 but you are encouraged to register as early as possible as the number of slots available is very limited! [glow=red]How to Register:[/glow] [glow=white]To register simply send a screenshot of your Pokemon trainer page on this forum page, privately as a forum message or even Message me in the game on my IGN: ShadowRanger so I can register your name as an official participant. Please note you will also be requested to pay the registeration fee before the beginning of the qualifying rounds.[/glow] [glow=red]Please note that a registration fee of 25,000$ is required to sign up for the tournament and take part in the qualifying rounds.[/glow] [glow=red]The tournament is currently scheduled to take place on the 18th of April 2016 at a time which will be later revealed to the participants. [/glow] [glow=red]Goodluck to all the trainers on this tournament for the title of "Pokemon Master" of Blue Server! May your bring honor to your guilds if you are currently in ones and carry this title with pride because you have earned it![/glow]
  24. :thanks: for your interest and Looking forward to having you with us :Grin:
  25. :thanks: and welcome to the family :Shy:
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