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Everything posted by Shadowranger

  1. Current Offer 1.5M by Ciupex Made Ingame! Remaining Time till bid closes approximately 48 hours!
  2. This post is to commence a bid for an HP Ground Timid Flame Body Volcarona Bid Information START BID : 1.5m Minimum Raise : 200k Bid Duration: Maximum of 2 days from first bid. Instant Buyout Price: 5m BID RULES 1. I am allowed to halt the bidding process at anytime (No Questions Asked). 2. Once a bid has been made it may not be cancelled unless legal consent is given (All Bids are final). 3. CC = 320k. IV reroll = 600k. Rare Candy = 4k. 4. The duration of the bid is 2 days from the first bid but that's a maximum, it could be shortned depending on participating parties needs. P.S I accept trades for Shiny T7+ or XMAS Pokemon, those pokemon will be valued and placed as a bid. GOODLUCK AND HAPPY BIDDING
  3. PM me when you come online. We'll Nagotiate Something
  4. Also I have your entire list ready.
  5. tell me when your online or message me when u are on
  6. This post is to commence a bid for a Chrismas Adamant Dragonite Bid Information START BID : 3m Minimum Raise : 200k Bid Duration: Maximum of 4 days from first bid. Instant Buyout Price: 8m BID RULES 1. I am allowed to cancel the bidding process at anytime (No Questions Asked). 2. Once a bid has been made it may not be cancelled unless I give consent (All Bids are final). 3. CC = 320k. IV reroll = 600k. Rare Candy = 4k. 4. The duration of the bid is 4 days from the first bid but that's a maximum, it could be shortned depending on my needs. P.S I accept trades for Shiny T7+ Pokemon, those pokemon will be valued and placed as a bid. GOODLUCK AND HAPPY BIDDING
  7. you guys still looking for an ada xmas?
  8. Can you PM me @ShadowRanger thats my in game now. I'm online now.
  9. bump! for the alliance.
  10. hm.. would you get on game so i can show u or is it too late?
  11. Would you accept Money + PVP pokes? You could value the pvp pokes at the discord price checks if you like or here. Else carry on.
  12. A heartwarming message. You have not only left a void in the ladder but one in our hearts.
  13. [<TICKET 1>]--What do I want for Christmas?--: I want to host an event with the help of pro staff to honor a fallen comrade.
  14. A friend of mine had a dream one day that he may create an event that brings people together and nurtures the spirit of co-operation and competition within them, that friend is gone now but his dream lives on through me and the guild he left behind. His vision for the perfect player hosted event involves work not only from the players themselves this time but the pro staff perhaps making it a player hosted event turned pro event. He dreamt of an island unlike those we've seen before, where upon diving from route 107 you reach an underground cavern, this mysterious cavern that is to be called gateway cavern would act as a gateway to the untainted lands of paradise, yet only allowing those righteous and worthy to pass. This cavern which only appears at exactly 12:00PM PokeTime, was a dark and lonely labrinth, only the light of the pure would illuminate the path to the promise land beyond this cave, if that light shall for any reason be dim then surely you will not prevail. Upon exiting the cave you find yourself in the middle of a beautiful island. To Be Continued...
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  15. Yea you fill the role quiet well.
  16. So that you may return your pokeballs you must finish the quest and submit a lvl 90 electabuzz and a lvl 90 scyther.
  17. your still doing the pinkan island quest, you must complete it first for you pokeballs to be returned.
  18. welcome to pro. I'm available in the game for any advice or help you might need, most important piece of advice is have fun and trust no body.
  19. Farewell old friend.
  20. Nope, actually it's great I learned this xD woulda repeated to make sure it wasn't a one time thing.
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