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Everything posted by Shadowranger

  1. I figured but I assume if I make a deal through the game I can just conclude the auction right? .
  2. This is an open Auction for Auction Rules: 1. No Comments 2. All Bids are final 3. I reserve the right to adjust start and instant price for this bid, if no bids have been placed and after notifying those concerned. 4. Unless Auction Starts I reserve the right to cancel this auction if a deal is made through the game STARTING BID: 5M Minimum Raise : 100k Instant Buyout: 6M AUCTION DURATION: 48 hours from first bid Accepted Modes Of Payment: CC / Cash CC valued at 280k per capsule Discord Tag: ShadowRanger #5276 IGN: ShadowRanger
  3. weird zero's. but grats.
  4. I donno what he means but I think it means I will offer u 150k and an arcanine mount setting value to 200k.
  5. Start: 2m <<< I don't start, I'm just wondering if Ur starting from 2m why there's 100k bids , else i go 600k.
  6. I'll buy both cloyster and coffa but nothing confirmed. Lets make an agreement In game or on discord @ShadowRanger #5276
  7. Ty for the insight, I figured as much. Do you know any solution to this or possible fix to it either to prevent it from happening or resume game progress when it occurs.
  8. I have to restart launcher.
  9. if your willing to start at 700k i am down. I can also offer pvp Pokemon if your interested.
  10. bump|! could u provide info about daycare?
  11. Name Change ShadowRanger Change into: Lance Server: Silver
  12. hm... can we see the slowpoke
  13. accept trades at similar value?
  14. https://discord.gg/XS8KJ7 to find out more about the guild.
  15. Yea this especially is a shiny or special pokemon xD I rarely come here when I'm looking for an event poke or shiny.
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