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  1. Username:JCraven Server: gold Country/Timezone: -7 PDT
  2. Hi, I was doing the keldeo quest and following these guides https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/172733-keldeo-quest-guide-complete/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogIEpmnqv88 I get to the part where i have to beat the forest master boss, i beat him after a couple of attempts, then immediately escapre roped out. once i get to town i think i should be able to speak to the guards blocking the lords keep but they will not let me pass still. Not sure how to proceed.
  3. My apologies I missed this message, let me know when your next around to meet up
  4. In game name: JCraven Age: 25 Country: Canada Screen shot of your pokemon ID: What you love to do in PRO So far ive enjoyed farming for event/pvpable pokes, ev training and leveling them up. Hoping find some people to help me to get into PVP and do dungeons.
  5. What is your IGN: JCraven Highest rating achieved: New to pvp but excited to get started How old are you: 25 Discord ID: jcraven
  6. .
  7. Your in game Name-JCraven Discord Name and Tag- JCraven#5572 Playtime hours-38hr Your Hobbies-Coding, gaming and soccer. Your Age-24 Your Country-Canada/England
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