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Everything posted by Aacorn

  1. Semi Epic jolly Gible So. 100k Min increase 10k 9:17 01 15 gmt-7 auction ends
  2. Congratulations you have won pm me in game or message me on here to meet
  3. Bump 12 hrs 30 mins left
  4. Almost at 8 hrs in!
  5. So. 200k Min increase 50k Will take cc at 400k 12:15 01 12 gmt-7 auction ends
  6. Godly burmy 28+ 30x2 31x2 Whats the price auction or not much?
  7. Godly burmy 28+ 30x2 31x2 Whats the price auction or not much?
  8. 200k snorunt please
  9. I accidentally released my lvl 100 breloom and my shiny lvl 32 xatu I'm in silver server
  10. 12 hrs after starting bid Starting bid 400k Min increase 30k
  11. Starting bid 100k Min raise 50k 24 hrs
  12. I'm starting to feel like it's not! I'm going on 3 days again with no form. 1 a week where people are getting more a day. Seen someone get 2 rares in a row like really?
  13. I accidentally deleted my breloom lvl 100 I didn't pget the id cause I was researching what to do. The attacks are as followed False swipe Spore Rock slide Seed bomb
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