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Everything posted by Cordian
A fish with a Chinese Sensei Mustache which is eaten by people in Sinnoh like it's a random sardine. I hope it helped.
First one was a shiny Piplup i found in Vulcan Island 2 days into the game. I was randomly surfing my way through the island when i encountered a shiny Piplup and sold it a day after in order to make my life easier (I don't like Piplup at all.) After that i've never encountered another Shiny (At least not yet)
I got Rick Rolled as well. Curiosity...
1. Darkrai 2. Gengar/Mega Gengar 3. Alakazam/Mega Alakazam 4. Lucario/Mega Lucario 5. Absol
I tried farming Eevees with good IVs in order to train them and the most useful advice i can give you is be patient, it's a bit difficult to encounter an Eevee in Safari Zone and even more difficult to find one with good IVs. I really wish you find one soon with good stats without spending too much money or time in the Safari Zone. Best of Luck!
Try following post you replied to (if it's important and you want to keep track of it's progress) and just wait until a notification pops. Also check this one out : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ and for further information a Staff Member can possibly provide it.
Well that's a bad luck for an event that has a time limit for 24 hours and you finished it in 23h and 30 minute but congratulations for completing it! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/108815-overall-game-rules/ check this one and i hope it was proven helpful!
Suggestion to make bike voucher cost more affordable for new players
Cordian replied to Q25's topic in Suggestions
I'm not comparing the subway quest to the bike voucher when it comes to difficulty because they're way different from each other or at which point in the game you meet each one of them. I'm comparing those 2 quests clearly on the factor of money needed to complete them which is 20k for Bike Voucher and 50-60k for subway quest (While spending or not before you finally reach that quest). Subjective would be a claim if i wasn't a donator who made his life easier by buying a mount way before i even meet the bike voucher quest because i would be talking for myself and not as common sense requires me to. Even if that never happened and even though i got in touch with PRO about a week ago, there is a certain concept in games which is the following : Every NPC has a certain name color which is Dark Yellow and some NPCs don't even have a name mentioned. All of a sudden you reach a place in which there is a single NPC having a Green name instead of Yellow and a whole different appearance from the others. Even if someone had no idea about the entire missions thing would have the curiosity to reach out and interact with that NPC that has a different name color than the others even if that meant that it was just another pointless dialog that would make them skip every Officer Jenny they would meet along the way. They just didn't even try to discover new things or interact because they went straight from one city to another fighting the required gyms and gathering the required badges until they saw an amount of 20k Pokedollars and froze. The fact that people tend to rush and ignore those NPCs while having no idea about the game, ignoring every single guide that was made from people who spent time creating and polishing those guides just for those people to make their lives easier in the game, doesn't mean that the game should be that helpful. There must be even the tiniest of challenge even for those players who find refuge in asking for money in Poke Centre. About the area in which you farm Pokedollars i totally disagree just because there are people who hunt Pokemon for days before they find one which is worth selling for 500k to 1m so economy would fall to dust as soon as this area appears on the map. I deeply apologize for the long read,i wanted to make my thoughts clear. -
Suggestion to make bike voucher cost more affordable for new players
Cordian replied to Q25's topic in Suggestions
It doesn't require enormous game logic or knowledge to talk to the NPC with the green name from the series known as "Officer Jenny" because even if you know nothing you talk to every npc in town and if you have even the slightest amount of knowledge from the Nintendo games you just see a new NPC which you can talk to so you get in front of it and interact. Game should be user friendly as it is now and not as people who ask for money want to be. If that's difficult then the mappers could add a new area just for money in which you get 500-2000 Pokedollars from each mon you encounter. Game is good as it is when it comes to difficulty and if those players need to learn that's what the guides in forum are for. If that's so difficult to accomplish then what are these people going to do when they want to complete the subway quest? Some things should stay the way they are,there's a difference between noob friendly and bored friendly. -
Suggestion to make bike voucher cost more affordable for new players
Cordian replied to Q25's topic in Suggestions
Yes and it requires minimum effort already,making it even easier is pointless imo. -
In some certain things limitations must be added in order to maintain the economy and the importance of some features added in the game. You can't just have everything you ask for without some limitations in order to keep the features for which you ask an alternative option to be limitless. To make such an area without any limitations won't help anyone who already gave even the slightest amount of Pokedollars and these people will complain.
+1 I agree but with some changes which are even harder to implement into the game. A player can select a Pokemon aimed for training and give the pokemon an amount of Pokedollars to hold (Only available in Trainer's Tower and nowhere else). Whoever wants to train a pokemon can choose which pokemon to pick according to the levels he wants that certain pokemon to be trained. For example : I want my Clefairy to be trained to Level 85 when it's currently level 20. I drop my Clefairy with 135k Pokedollars and whoever wants to train it can easily get it and train it.
So you want to make the Nocturnal Feather more expensive and make it rare from common find through Pidgeotto and Pidgeot correct? What makes you think that people won't stay all night long farming for Pidgeottos and Pidgeots until they collect like 20-30 Nocturnal Feathers and start selling them 80k? After a while everyone will do the same and the price will drop once again to 15k like it already is. In addition to that,you can buy a bunch of escape ropes that instantly teleport you to the last Poke Centre you visited which makes them pretty much like HM02 Fly. You need to complete a quest for the subway to start working and that's more than fine. Escape Ropes (Which can be found in extremely low prices) + Subway Unlocked = Fly. It's hard for me to detect the accuracy of this suggestion. -1
Suggestion to make bike voucher cost more affordable for new players
Cordian replied to Q25's topic in Suggestions
Bike Voucher is pretty easy to get and if you grind just a little bit and complete Jenny's missions it's more than affordable. People who're lazy and don't want to fight enemies along the way or complete Jenny's requests shouldn't be able to afford a bike since they didn't try the slightest. Some people may disagree, it's the reward you get for investing some time in Jenny though and it's proven useful. You meet her in both Pewter and Cerulean and both give you rewards that help you get the bike if you manage to dedicate some time to find a Ditto. People begging for money and trying in any way possible to sell pokemon at an extremely low price may never tried to complete a task that was given. I bought myself a mount since there were no story blocking quests that required a bike so i skipped the whole quest and rushed into the next two regions. I'm pretty sure though that i had more than 60k when i reached Vermilion. -
Trainer Tower was made to exp more efficiently than farming in the wild. Trying to exp in different areas of the map mostly leads to hunting but with lower expectations. I suppose there could be a spot that has higher level pokemon but that should have some restrictions like : Being able to access the area after being the Region's champion,wild pokemon in that area won't drop Pokedollars, Pokemon there cannot be catched and there are no Shiny forms,even though if the Pokemon there are the final evolution like Crobat/Swampert/Steelix/Slowking/Garchomp etc.. If that area is for exping purposes only,it should be slower than the exp someone pays for in Trainer Tower and without rewards that the player grinding exp in the Trainer Tower and paid for doesn't get.
It would be a really nice addition to the game,even though i think that there are more important things to be taken care of at least for now. Still, i would be surprised in a positive way if one day i can interact with the follower pokemon. There are more interactions with the Pokemon following you though in the original series, which is to get items your follower pokemon randomly picks up along the way which has already been replaced by the dig spots.
Hunting requires sync pokes depending on what you're currently hunting. Some people end up having more than 1 sync in their teams. Pokemon like Abra are meant to be harder to catch and even have a lower encounter rate. So instead of a false swiper you can have a lower than 100 level trapper and still make it work. There are also moves that prevent the enemy from fleeing so you can utilize those moves as well. Personally i believe that an item that blocks exp won't make any difference since the sync poke can be fainted and still make the sync work.
You can find plenty of karps to test with and build. However : ATK : 25-31 DEF : 20+ SPD : 25-31 SPATK : Decent (Between 20-25 works fine even though since it's going to be played as Gyarados/Mega Gyarados and both are Physical Attackers) SPDEF : 20+ HP : 25-31 To summarize, a good Pokemon can be considered one which is in the meta (PvP,PvE Boss Teams) and Gyarados (+Mega Evolution) are both considered OverUsed. You're looking for high speed and attack and decent Defenses and HP for survivability. I hope it helped.
Adding any kind of item an old player (who grinded in any way) is unfair for those players. Old players can differ from newer ones because of those extra items they had the chance to get due to their longevity in the game. Even if those wings look amazing,stunning etc. Those items imo could exclusively stay on old players who grinded back then.
I farmed 999 Rattata Hair. What happens next will shock you!
Cordian replied to Raika's topic in General Game Talk
Level of Commitment : David Goggins Congratulations on your feat though,that was no easy task. -
Welcome to PRO fellow trainer! I can feel the same nostalgia walking the routes of Kanto as well but even more recent journeys such as Johto,Hoenn and Sinnoh bring the same nostalgia as Kanto. I wish the best for you in PRO!
Welcome Yuna! All i can say is prepare to witness the experience of PRO and not just Pokemon. I've always loved Pokemon since i was a kid and the hours i spent training them mindlessly as a toddler. Now i have a plan and now i know lol. Welcome to PRO and i wish the best for you during your journey through the 4 areas and your hunting!
Welcome back buddy. It's good to see old players coming back. Have an amazing time in the 4 regions and i wish you the best of luck for your hunting! Oh and btw. Espeon Rocks!
I disagree only because i won against him so many times when i was younger even though he was far better challenge for me than the entirety of E4 and he wasn't the champion. Glory to Red!