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Everything posted by Rkroquemar0517

  1. WTB> Summer Darumaka Decent stats will do
  2. wtb > Xmas Snorlax / Munchlax
  3. WTB> Event (Easter) Decent / PVPable Mantine / Mantyke (water absorb)
  4. WTB> Event (Easter) Decent / PVPable Mantine / Mantyke (water absorb)
  5. im in gold now can i see and how much? XD can you private message me tho
  6. sure update me asap thanks!
  7. WTB> Decent / PVPable halo / clone char for mega char X decent stats will do
  8. is this still available?
  9. 4m or make offer i accept cc's / rr other event pokes 2m or make offer i accept cc's / rr other event pokes 2.5m or make offer i accept cc's / rr other event pokes
  10. Shiny Toge Insta Price 10m / Start Bid 6m / Auction Ends in Sunday Philippines Time (UTC + 8:00) 8:00 pm Halo Gastly 30 spd timid Insta Price 4m / Start Bid 2m / Auction Ends in Sunday Philippines Time (UTC + 8:00) 8:00 pm Easter Toge Insta Price 4m / Start Bid 1.5m / Auction Ends in Sunday Philippines Time (UTC + 8:00) 8:00 pm Halo Gren Protean Insta Price 5m / Start Bid 3m / Auction Ends in Sunday Philippines Time (UTC + 8:00) 8:00 pm
  11. Hi guys i would like to suggest Hoen Starters as Xmas event pokes they have never been on any event :( specially my fav poke piplup hope you can think about this and make my dreams come true lol
  12. help i accidentally deleted my shiny azumarill while releasing some bad gastly my shiny azu's id is 26467577 here's the screenshot thanks in advance
  13. dragonite = adamant / multiscale - bo wins... Insta Price 1.5m stoutland = adamant / sandrush Torterra = careful / overgrow other pokes for sale goodra = 300k Tyranitar = 300k
  14. ok now i understand alaris thanks :D ill move this on my personal shop ;)
  15. what do you mean move? im not quite familiar with it XD
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