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Everything posted by Ikakashi

  1. @Chumaceroi think you got me confused with some1 else i dont have a marowak in my shop
  2. @A1playz123I am online whenever you want to trade
  3. @A1playz123 okay! Unfortunately ill be out for a little bit but ill be back in a few hours!
  4. Bump (Added Mounts, trained mons, a sync and price adjustments)
  5. Hello, like the title says I'm looking to buy some mounts and wings. Nothing prestige or anything over 1m or more for mounts. 50-150k Non Shiny Mounts 200-350k Shiny Mounts 60-350k For Wings That's my budget but I'm willing to go more depending on how rare and what event they came from. Thanks!
  6. S.O: 3m Min Bid: 100k Ends 48hrs after Start Insta:5m
  7. @Chungga200401can you come to vulcan? Ill do that
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