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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :Heart: Welcome
  2. So, I was cleaning up some boxes and I stumbled upon my dear "oh I wish I could use that" rotom :) Have checked if the suggestion has been made before and didn't find anything, so maybe that's something that slipped off devs' mind, but I would actually feel lucky to have got such a good rotom if its forms were coded (Rotom-W <3)... So basically just a reminder to code its forms at some point in time :Heart: In the spoiler the items that would be needed, an option could be that you could buy that from a NPC somewhere:
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <r><QUOTE author="xApolox"><s> </e></QUOTE> have the feeling you missed the right thread xD</r>
  4. My suggestions for what might help making it nice for all users, even without touching the abilities / pokemon bans: 1. Focus sash not being consumed after use in PvP 2. Life orb 3. Choice specs / Choice scarf / Choice band 4. Assault vest Those items alone would heavily shift the meta towards a more "aggressive" play style, which for the majority of players is way less frustrating than dealing with stallers / heavily defensive tanks. Also at the moment the only way to be competitive is to have a good counter to stalling or having a stalling team. Those are only 2 kinds of team compositions, in PRO there are multiple kinds of team that are flat out doomed not to be competitive due to lack of certain key items like the one listed above. In my opinion the sole implementation of those items would solve all the complaints about the current "boring" meta and about the regenerator ability :)
  5. Look at the bright side, at least it wasn't a shiny starter :')
  6. Added TM Water gun to glacial, just found one ^^
  7. Shhh don't say that you can baton pass defense on her :P ahah cmon I have to agree, gothitelle is uber for a reason, same blaziken and all the other ubers, but then again tiers in PRO would be hard to introduce and not a priority due to the lack of items :)
  8. Ewww blue server :3 By the way gothitelle is called "satan itself" on showdown / smogon as "tier" xD but considering it's tier 4 extremely rare useful only with h.a. it's really hard to get and in trades there are none. So far gothitelle has been a good counter to slowbro / blissey which is basically the 70/80% of the current PRO meta. All of this because some of keys items missing (life orb pls, choice specs and so on, even focus sashes not being consumed would shift the meta to a more offensive one). Blaziken speed boost currently without protect can be played around easily enough not to be a problem, when the tm comes will be a pain, but again h.a. tier 4. Introducing tiers in PRO imo it's way too premature since so much more basic stuff is missing, if you want a more healthy competitive environment play showdown :) or even better, not pokemon since there's so much rng involved anyway compared to other highly competitive games x.x
  9. ^ agree, you already posted your opinion in a really impolite way multiple times ^^ we got your point of view, enough with the trashtalking since I don't see your name in top 25 PvP bud (even then wouldn't be justified)
  10. Or focus sash not to disappear after use in PvP :(
  11. Added tiny mushrooms / pearl Added Done :3 Fixed with unknown discoveries (less than 3200 for sure) You caught golet at 3200? Timburr historical and mawile/bagon added at 3200 discoveries (found them as well) Thanks! added as 5k+ / unknown discoveries :Heart: Everything should be updated <3
  12. Thanks for the infos <3 will update
  13. Bounce still deals damage through detect, here's the video of the bug: https://vid.me/CYT5
  14. Join on discord ^^ you can find the link in the main post
  15. they changed it often, but 100% it doesn't change everytime :)
  16. Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>Where's a spoiler in my guide x.x<br/> Btw yourax can you change the color of the text? If someone is using darkpro theme it's really hard to read :(</t>
  17. Can I ask what related between players create farm bots in headbutt and adding ferroseed to somewhere on safari? I am not got linking point in here... And really headbutt also bots? :Ambivalent: I think he was referring to creating multiple accounts in order to have more chances to get a ferroseed, just a guess
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