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Everything posted by Gambilicious

  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r><QUOTE author="LazyRayquaza" post_id="440998" time="1505134612" user_id="1699786"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome!</r>
  2. concept is really great and finally boosts pvp again, but having it top 25 is gonna be time consuming and will takes ages. Reducing it to top 8 would make the ladder race more intense and would make sure, that the tournament would be over really quickly ;)
  3. take care mate, you were a good dude, who geniunly tried to make good content and was always happy to help this community. all the best for your future endeavors!
  4. the player has no say into how and what mon is gonna be legendary, its fully RNG reliant and he has NO IMPACT on the outcome, staff can just TAKE whatever ivs they want on a legendarie. tell me how there is no difference? tournament prizes are badges for your pvp skill so why would you ban them? Last time i checked moderating mapping or answering reports have zero to do with pvp? Alot of us arent trying to get staff mon banned, we are just trying to get the parameters changed so its fairer overall. So how about you use your good old brain and try to get away from your point and actually look at the reasons explained well enough to you?
  5. dw we tried mate, he just can only see his own point. guaranteed > rng and he fails to see that point. following his logic staff should run around with as many generated mons they want to, because its fair since we can just hunt those mons or we can pray to the rng god to get lucky with our single encounter with a legendary like i said i have been trying to be positive but cbb with 6head, he is either staff or eyeing for a spot lul
  6. rip i made a huge post and its gone cause i didnt log in rip. i will try to summarize. Players farming for 6 months doesnt gurantee a perfect mon and comparing them to staff mons is just wrong to be polite, because us hunting is full rng and we cant really decide what specific mon is gonna be nearly perfect, for all i know it could be the wild encounter to my hunting spot and even if i get that nearly perfect mon with speed being low af, even tho its really important for speedtier its basically useless. As for tournament rewards, ppl who win pvp tournaments have actually shown their abilities in the pvp game and should be able to use them, pretty sure moderating or mapping shouldnt give you permission to impact the pvp meta game as you please. Aswell as with lax rules like these we are just waiting for some kind of Zarate player to become staff and wreck havoc in pvp. Staff mons arent super unfair, but they are overpowered in certain aspects: -Legendaries are full rng and shouldnt be handed out perfectly to impact the meta game. -Staff can handpick certain mons to fill the gap in their team and its guranteed, because even if you hunt there is no gurantee you will get a perfect mon. (aswell as things like speed tier matter, so max speed is sometimes all or nothing) and its not limited ( you can even pick boss exclusive mons which require god rng for normal players) - Changing rewards is just completly wrong, because staff can just change their mon according to the meta or can snatch up perfect new introduced mons (players cant just trade their hard farmed mons, just because its lost power in the meta) The most simple solution is to just change the parameters of staff mons instead of getting rid of them. I want to see staff rewarded for their hard work, harrasment/abusement and time invested, they really do deserve it, but we should also try to keep it for fair for all sides. Legendaries, boss exclusive and unavaliable mons should be excluded and it should be limited to avaliable mons every single player could farm with perfect kinda ivs in the same 6 months timeframe. Pretty sure this solution could make most staff and playerbase happy and its better than to see these topics pop up here or discord every single week and everybody qqing or staff being forced to say *just deal with it*. This isnt meant as rant or trashtalk but personally iam tired of seeing these topics and all those posts missing the general point of this dilemma, but iam open for discussion and suggestions as long as they are civil. Have a good day guys!
  7. #bringbackgoth
  8. i think the issue is, that lat has a huge effect on pvp and thats why you are *forced* to actually complete the quest. I think maybe considering 300 evos would have been the smarter choice, since even after all the work you put in, there is a huge chance the mon is not useable at all and thats why i actually liked suhus post.
  9. Dope work again prehax, ty!
  10. perfectly said and i hope ppl can look past their feelings towards me and value your opinion.
  11. Iam prolly gonna take this to pm with some other guy, but mate it took me 10 mins to connect the dots and realise who you are. But its k, keep telling yourself that your new ;)
  12. You are open about it, ppl like deku for example arent. But its funny you cant see the difference. What's funny is that it shouldn't matter whether someone changes a name or not. Go find something else to be petty about, thanks. So it shouldnt matter when a gm or a staffer gives up his old identity to take on a new one, to get a fresh start since there is tons of negativity around his decisions? Feels like you are not only disconnected from the game and its state, but also disconnected from logic. P.S: inbefore you drop your famous *go look for another game curlmaster*
  13. You are open about it, ppl like deku for example arent. But its funny you cant see the difference.
  14. This is pretty funny actually. Certain staff make heavy mistakes along the way and just come back with a new identity and a new name. Why is this possible? Why are you guys trying to pull a trick on your community? You either stand up for what you believe in and accept that you generally dropped the ball or just dont be staff at all. There shouldnt be a restart option, because all your doing is decieving other people and lying straight to their face. This is also another reason why alot ppl have trust issues, cause things are never clear. Its time to either be open about this policy and dropping it or just making staff names public, so we know who is really doing stuff in the shadows.
  15. I'll be clear on this. Our forum has some rules, everyone has to respect those rules. Also, our forum has sections, everyone has to use said sections properly. A public post isnt the correct place for complaining and even if you have something to say about a player you MUST do it with respect. As I am talking with respect to you and as i will always do to everyone here. So let's please quit this drama here. I am not saying everyone has to be friendly but at least everyone has to pay respect. Not only to staff members but also to every player here. If possible, we should try to talk about Black MS and Repel Trick here and from now on. For any complain, use the right area please. answered your rule 15 and you changed your whole point again. My post was respectful, otherwise i would have dropped some more stuff and this was the nicest possible way i could adress the special human being. The whole point of my post was to discredit his opinion but you guys had to come to your beloved staffs rescue. Lets move on tho, you guys clearly took a L and unlike other ppl i wanna hear more honest constructive opinions about this.
  16. Game should be balanced and i think both repel trick and black ms benefit this feature. *no grounds* you want me to drop some screenshots to justify my post? are you guys in staff living under a rock? P.S: if you dont know what you are talking about, dont adress me ty
  17. you can warn me all day, iam just discrediting his opinion since he has a habit of lying in these kind of matters.
  18. free bump for you, i wanna hear more great opinions.
  19. Bruh even with repel trick its still a pain to mostly hunt a good to great pvp mon, because it still takes tons of hours aswell as cash now for repels. Both repel trick and black m make hunting more enjoyable and lead to more ppl hunting in general, i think both are really good additions to this game.
  20. prolly gonna cancel cause i had no time 2 talk to 2 buyers and sinnoh is out, sorry boys
  21. Auction started thanks mate^^ yeh sandrush would have been op af but with careful it doesnt matter that much :P also ty mate^^
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