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Everything posted by Gambilicious

  1. You are doing nothing more than promoting toxicity and flaming staff and other users with your posts in this, and other topics you have commented on recently. Please, stop spreading negativity in threads that do not need it. What is your goddamn problem? Iam legit just stating facts and telling him whats going on. Try to be a justice warrior somewhere else holy hell
  2. Reborn just had a decent GvG event going but some big guilds couldnt/didnt wanna make it. You guys could easily get this thing going with better rewards or rewards at all for gvgs, because right now everything gets done trough donations. I like that you made this thread to get the ball rolling, but i still remember the pvp reward thread and all the suggestion, which were made by the community. Guess how that worked out? Still the same old *now useless* 500 coins as reward ;) P.S : There is hostility between guilds, cause no1 knows who and how many staffs are in certain guilds aswell, so there is a trust issue given
  3. Only in this game a good suggestion would get down talked
  4. Have you heard of double jeopardy? Really doesnt feel like it. No1 would be toxic, if the case had been transparent and fair, but we both know how thats going right ;) Like i said, as long as there is no check for you guys and you only answer to yourself, stuff like this is bound to happen. Its funny tho, how noone realises the most inportant thing here : Today its Reborn, tommorow it could be any other guild (oops wait blaze wont be affected cause gms everywhere)
  5. This whole thing is a joke, but its likeley to happen with 17 years old in power and red thinking this is russia. Whole system is flawed, but i think its time to blow this house of cards up.
  6. I couldnt have said it any better brother. Lets hope everything gets resolved and you can come back and enjoy this game again!
  7. Great! then they should test teams WITHOUT staying in a guild :) i.e, guildless. So no more guild rate boosting. like i said before, you guys in blaze are vehement against this, as am i, but you still have double accounts with tons of points in your guild. Its great to call out others, but to do that you also have to be clean/innocent ;) As for your ruleproposal, iam all in for that, but thats not even the Issue of this rule, because even after the rule enforcement, i could theoretically still boost 4 accounts to around 450, thus boosting my guildpoints in the process. P.S: Same rewards for all Top 10 Guilds, so it actually shouldnt matter at all.
  8. the problem is, that most ppl dont know how ladder works. you cant fault good players for putting up more than 1 account on to the top 25. Aswell as i think, that most ppl dont even know why other players use alts in pvp, but let me enlighten you. Since we got no teampreview or decent pointsystem, its not worth to play pvp once you hit a certain point benchmark (lets say 520 last season), where even decent/good players with a rating of 350 can only give you 5-9 points in a win. A loss would mean -26 points, which just shows the inbalance in a rng related game. Combine the pointdiscrepancy with the issue of not having teampreview, you are bound to lose games to really lowrating players, because they can just suprise you and take 30+ points off you. Thats why ppl use alts, to try out totally new stuff in a competitive enviroment, aswell as not risking losing 30 points in 1 game and then having to play 7 games to get these 30 points back. But that doesnt mean, i want to lose intentionally on my alt, just because iam about to hit the ladder, because that would totatally go against the whole premise of a pvp enviroment. Thats why this rule is not smart at all. Is this game in the end all about fun? Yes it is, but competitive people only associate winning with fun, so of course some ppl will qq about this new rule. P.S : People also always like to look for excuses, as to why there are not hitting ladder/not good enough. Only reason is you, you just arent good enough/dont grind hard enough. Its as simple as that
  9. its funny how i only hear this guildboosting explanation from blaze, esspecially since you guys do also have brothers and sisters :) as long as rewards are the same for top 10, no1 gives a flying you know what about that.
  10. gotta love the staff tho, who cant read/understand their own rules :)
  11. you are trying to sell a naughty meh fletch. no1 wants that cause its straight up poop, dunno why you made this forum post.
  12. sold roserade and ferro. added few new mons and changed some prices.
  13. Re: Gambilicious's PvP dungeon (UPDATED 07.04) <r><QUOTE author="diloks" post_id="372190" time="1491612417" user_id="1168199"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.gyazo.com/9387094e24b0bac4bd877306f4e4cc0f.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> sold for insta.</r>
  14. Re: Gambilicious's PvP dungeon (UPDATED 07.04) <t>added togekiss and updated few prices.</t>
  15. got 2-3 mons and i need fast daycare, pay nicely
  16. Re: Gambilicious's PvP dungeon (UPDATED 05.04) <t>sold galvantula for insta.<br/> <br/> also updated few new mons.</t>
  17. I mean moves are hidden on showdown as well oh sorry sir, didnt know i can see the moves of my opponent in pro.
  18. Actually.. that's a really good idea. I'll ask Shane if it's codeable. :3 I don't think the teamview idea is implementable though. just dont, thats such a garbage idea lol why would we want to LIMIT ourselves even more?
  19. Banning or not banning aside, i dont know how ppl can accuse some staff members of no effort. Its 6 months HARD WORK, the effort question should NEVER come up.
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