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Everything posted by Envymeister

  1. Yes I can. Tell me when u online
  2. Price = 1.5M Im from Silver. Can move to gold to do the trade. How to pay: Pokedollars Rerolls = 770k | Nature = 350k CC's = 380k
  3. Great thread. Keep up Joro. Tho this is great for new players, a calculator and pokedex is still better for me xD
  4. I think this is fast enough. ya kinda tedious, but better than delete one by one https://i.gyazo.com/d6202b40f103e482b7e8b13162f174bc.mp4
  5. Bo 860k = 60k + 1rr
  6. bo 2cc = 760k
  7. 600k bo
  8. Volcarona Selling now. Magnets removed
  9. S.O = 400k Min bid = 100k Time = 24hrs after first bid Ends = 7/June/2021 16:00PM GMT+0 How to pay: Pokedollars Rerolls = 800k | Nature = 400k CC's = 380k
  10. Im online now
  11. Hm? When will u be online?
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