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Everything posted by Envymeister

  1. Looking to buy EPIC BB Timid Greninja!!
  2. lol xd kk
  3. Kanto region
  4. When it started i posted the insta, so its valid edit: when i posted the first bid, auction started, in the same edit i also added the insta price
  5. Im cancelling this auction, DUE lack of info from staffers. Since they dont reply to me to clarify me im removing my poke from auction. if u want to punish me, do it, i will appeal, maybe then they will reply me
  7. Buy any of these pokes or evos: Wingull - Bold - Hydration - 20+ Horsea - Modest - Swift Swim - 31 speed 28+ sp.atk 25+ others
  8. Serp Sold
  9. Would be way less than u expect so
  10. Too much for it, thx anyway ;D
  11. Ttar sold
  12. First who cares if its hp ice? Second how much
  13. Sold Tentacruel
  14. Bold Tenta sold:
  15. Aero Sold
  16. Well +1 for this tbh Else its easier to become staffer and wait 6 months
  17. sold Breloom
  18. Added Mola Price, added Serperior, added my shop's link
  19. Fell free to pm either ing, here or discord: @eNvy#9600 ^.o All Prices are Negotiable! Reroll - 750k | NatureRR & CC- 400k Kingdra - 500k Staraptor - 300k Medicham - 800k Roserade - 500k
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