Smartest: Cames
Friendliest: i could say tons of them, but i will say : MathieuMa/Mamathieu
Funniest: Pulse
Coolest: Cyber54
Comeback Player of the Year: Royceson1
Most Talkative: OmicronEta
Most Trustworthy: Gambilicious
Most Helpful: Walrosskastanie
Most Missed: Gambilicious
Most Influential: Buzzn
Most Intriguing: Y0da
Best GM: Arkos
Best CC: Shamac, but since he no longer is CC i will say Shaui
Best MOD: Eaty
Best CS: Artoriel
Best Artist: Ashwestbrook
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Eaty
Most Friendly Staff: Eaty
Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac
Most Honorable Former Staff: Rekkuza