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Everything posted by Swer4412

  1. BUMP it's almost there
  2. S.O: 100k Min Bid: 50k Insta buy : 700k Time : 48 hours after the first bid I only Accept Pokedollar and Coin Capsule and Reroll ticket (CC: 350k/RR:680k) QUICK REMINDER:
  3. 500k or trade with Audino Bold regen 20+
  4. Hello i want to buy Audino: Nature: Bold Ability: Regenerator IVS: 20+ Put the photo and the price of your Audino below!
  5. 2.2m
  6. no problem man, it's a pleasure to be able to help the game
  7. Hi, this morning i was viewing the halloween map spawns and came across a wild baby lugia, however the strange thing is that i had already caught 1 last halloween. is it actually a bug or did you do it to have 1 baby lugia and 1 xd001 in the pc? Vabbe if it is a bug, fix it and remove xd001 from my profile, after all he has the same ivs as my baby lugia caught 1 year ago....
  8. Accept : cc-360k,iv rr-660k, nat rr- 330k Only Insta: 10mln
  9. auction closed. Wins Azazeru with his offer
  10. Start : 1m Min bid : 500k NO Insta Duration : 72hrs after start Accept : cc-360k,iv rr-660k, nat rr- 330k
  11. Mewtwo Umbreon Zorua
  12. 1.3m fennekin. (i dont know min raise)
  13. WELCOME TO MY SHOP!! ACCEPTED PAYMENTS: Pokedollar Reroll IVs : 800k Rare Candies : 7k Coin Capsule : 360k CONTACT: Discord: Swer#1103 In-game: Swer4412 RULES: 1 - No Fake Offers! 2 - You can't cancel your offer. 3 - Buyers from the Silver server are welcome but they must transfer themselves to the Gold server. 4 - No auctions here, only fixed insta prices. If you have any kind of offer, I will listen to you, but I will decide if I take it. IT DOESN'T END HERE, MORE POKEMON WILL COME SOON.
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