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  1. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>red server</t>
  2. kinda interested in excadrill pme in game
  3. well actually its unfair.. to normal player. if they hunt that pokemon in wild and also used by normal players its ok.. but its edited.. not fair..they can used there edited in friends but not in ladder.. but if that pokemon wins by tournament its ok for me.. but if not.. that's cheating for me..
  4. i vote for ban for me kinda cheating perish song + shadow tag? too op
  5. how long season will be end this make me confuse.. and whos gonna decide.. is this random end or what.. need to fix date and where to end..
  6. [https://imgur.com/a/13RiU][/image] https://imgur.com/a/13RiU barney t wave my togekiss lumberry did not active https://imgur.com/a/13RiU
  7. Re: WTS RAIN CORE <t>900k for frogy politoad.</t>
  8. Shiny Bisharp thx
  9. so the offer 4m is now invalid :Shocked:
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