well actually its unfair.. to normal player. if they hunt that pokemon in wild and also used by normal players its ok.. but its edited.. not fair..they can used there edited in friends but not in ladder.. but if that pokemon wins by tournament its ok for me.. but if not.. that's cheating for me..
only in red server crash the game loading.. when i log in in red and loading it crash auto close window .. and i stuck
but in yellow and blue is not the same.. i can still log in and play both blue and yellow server.. there is no problem blue and yellow server...
the red server only loading map crash the game..
here blue server and yellow https://imgur.com/a/y2z0B https://imgur.com/a/FC5uL
plz elp me about this i already reinstall but the problem when i connect to server red then loading the map..
the PRo is crash.. i could log in blue but in red can't load the map then crash
plz elp..