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  1. Thank you very much :) Appreciate the respond!
  2. No response? Bump.
  3. My friend that helped me thru all of this is named "Vesco" if that helps? And i posted the time around that when it happened. The hahaha message was from Lance when i talked to him when i relogged and when he sent me back to the entrance. When i go there it doesn't say i'm the champion but all the items is gone ;/
  4. So i just spent over 1 hour to beat e4 johto, with help from friends on messages, and a lot of effort. Max potion spent x20 :O and revive 10x, and a lot of regular potions/hyper potions. So i finally beat Lance/Dragonite, and went to the last guy to talk to him. I got sent to this town i think pallet? And i got disconnected directly. I relogged like 5 mins later, approx 15:40? or just before that. And when i was relogged i was ahead of Lance in e4 johto. So i thought ok lets just talk to the last guy again i did and he congratulated me and nothing happened... He didn't send me to the town... ? So i was like ok lets just go out? I talked to lance and he just laughed "HAHAHHA something and sent me to the entrance... When i checked all my stuff that i used is gone for the fights, and when i go in there again i have to battle Will again??????? I literally did so much to beat this and tried so many times, used so many poke money for nothing :O Please help me with this i really dont want to do it again. Regards lagcats
  5. [ref]PurpleDrink[/ref], yeah i still like the game with the new patch and all! But the dynamic queue is terrible imo ;o I hope they change it asap!
  6. I picked pikachu!
  7. Hi! And enjoy your stay here on PRO!
  8. Hello and welcome to PRO! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Hi! Welcome to PRO!
  10. League of Legends for sure. I'm a Challenger/Master tier player from EUW and i love playing LoL on a high level. I've tried some DotA2 and HoN but i like LoL way more. Also i think the game is completely different when u get to Diamond ++++ level of play. It's way more enjoyable.
  11. [ref]IHateFatShamers[/ref], Well you will always see kids typing in any game. Just ignore it or tell the person to stop acting like a child before he/her gets banned. Nah the Community is pretty good actually and I haven't really met any flamer/toxic person yet. But this is internet and you will see this everywhere unfortunately. :8
  12. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting! <t>[ref]daenerys[/ref], Of course I'm right! I'm always right :)</t>
  13. Re: CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting! <t>but thats the "GOLD Division" in League. I was referring to you Emblem.<br/> <br/> I'm just saying since I'm a high elo player and noticed it :)</t>
  14. [ref=#9c9c9c]Windypuff[/ref], Thanks a lot! I tried joining ur IIRC the other day and it says "you're banned" When i haven't used IIRC since i was a young child :) What could it be?
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