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Everything posted by Purplemauth

  1. I walked all the way right when walking into Rock Tunnel at the north entrance and the darkness shift with me, leaving the left side to be completely exposed. I play 1920x1080 and it was only when i walked to the right. Everywhere else the darkness kept intact.
  2. This PokeCenter on 7 Island seems deserted. Add some people. Nurse Joy is so lonely. She told me that I was the first visitor in 2 years.
  3. Well, selling it for dex completion is actually true... many people would rather pay 5k than hunt for a ditto. Also if you got a shiny ditto and wanted to sell it, that would be frustrating if it was locked. I can also say with relative confidence that the quest says the ditto must be your OT. I don't think that these "scams" happen as much as you might think.
  4. *excellent *specimen *here's
  5. Prehax has stated a few times that there is another impending Safari EV training area update, so I would wait until then before any other suggestions are made.
  6. With how many coins you get from bosses now, plus bug catching, and doing battle tower every couple days, you can realistically get the robe in under a month of semi-dedicated playing. Not everything in life is meant to be easy.
  7. What does the old man north say when you try to pass him?
  8. Love all the additions to bug catching. Would really love Solaceon News Reporter quest to be server timed as well.
  9. [uSER=994663]@dauii[/uSER] I can be on anytime in the next couple hours. Message me.
  10. Bidding last minute is a part of auctioning, and it does not say anywhere that I cannot.
  11. Selling Shiny timburr Start 8m Insta 25m Time = 5days from start auction Accept cc=300k Reroll ticket=600k I have the right to cancel offers im not happy Contact me in game = Dauii Contact me in discord = dauii#0049 These are your auction rules. My bid stands.
  12. Or like, just include it with all the other sprites you can cycle through. Either one would be fine.
  13. Once you make your application, Teerav or another guild officer will post the application within the guild. Once decided upon, Teerav/another officer will inform you via PM either here or Discord on whether or not you were accepted.
  14. Purplemauth

    Gale Wings

    It's banned because Gale Wings gives priority to Fly when its initially used. However it does not apply the same priority on the second turn when it actually does damage. This is incorrectly coded, and could be exploited in game so that Talonflame can avoid hits from pokemon that it shouldnt.
  15. I dont remember my first - i did get a kecleon and a zigzagoon shiny within 10 encounters though. Selling the Kecleon was my biggest regret in game to this day. Keep all your shinies!
  16. Message me on discord if you can - I have notifications there and i don't come to forum more than once a day. PurpleMauth#3599
  17. Hey there, Check out this guide oh how to go to Sinnoh ---> https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70268-url Good luck!
  18. ill buy the phanpy for 50k.
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