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Everything posted by Zeryan

  1. https://imgur.com/a/bJOle close
  2. https://imgur.com/a/AtyzC bid starts at 500k, (200k for other offert) insta 3m :)
  3. if you are free i have a yamask to ev train in def and hp, i'm Zeryan ingame
  4. ma xavaros non stavi nella nostra nel server rosso??? O.O
  5. Sorry I resolve my problem :)
  6. still available? offer 400k
  7. Re: New upcoming patch analysis: Stop Useless DRAMA <t>It is not a secret that for months the creator of Pokemon Revolution Online is working on a version 2.0 of this game, unfortunately I am a pessimistic person, end all this makes me think of a move to move everyone in the other game.<br/> I explain better:<br/> <br/> With the possibility of shaping any pokemon ​​at will, time counts and accumulated experience will no longer make any sense because is anyone looking at the internet could build war machines (Exemple Smogon).<br/> <br/> Farming it would not make sense to look for pokemon other than any other, provided they have the correct ability.<br/> <br/> The market would collapse because everyone with the help of money could increase the chances of finding rare pokemon. (Example: Everyone could find a Dragonite with multiscale, now paid millions).<br/> <br/> <br/> So do not tell stories, PRO will become a pay to win, and many players will not like this.</t>
  8. Taking offer for Level 100 Pokes https://imgur.com/a/ouk8c https://imgur.com/a/SCMOC https://imgur.com/a/N5GXq (Hidden Power Fire) https://imgur.com/a/dROzk https://imgur.com/a/sx1XU Other Pokemon https://imgur.com/a/WrFmu 200k https://imgur.com/a/qcbvQ 150k Little Pokemon https://imgur.com/a/wueow 20k https://imgur.com/a/GdVhM 20k Cya in game :)
  9. I'm interested in Garchomp (500k) and Hydreigon (600k), you accept ms? I'm Zeryan ingame.
  10. Yesterdey I lost a pvp and a battle with Lorelei (boss) lol.
  11. Sorry but is an only italian guild.
  12. Beh se vuoi la Pizza Lovers cerca sempre nuovi membri italiani ^^ il nostro capo si chiama Namelesshero27 contatta lui o me se sei interessato ^^
  13. Charizard, I was in kindergarten when I saw Charmeleon evolve into Charizard and fight agains Aerodactyl, i like this pokemon because is a warrior that fighting only those who strongly believes, infact I always had a Charizard in my team since Pokemon Red Version for Game Boy Color u.u
  14. Hi Pokemaniacs!, I want buy an epic Gligar with Hidden Ability and Careful Nature :)
  15. https://imgur.com/a/9kox1 I'm Zeryan ingame :)
  16. Zeryan


    Pinkan Island event maybe?
  17. close u.u
  18. Thanks man but i've already buy my Charizard from Deidara7, now I'm looking for a Relaxed Epic Ferrothorn with Iron Barbs
  19. Re: Akatsuki Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons) 17.01.17 <t>I want to buy the Deidara7 Charizard 500k pm me when you are online please :)</t>
  20. Hi pokemaniacs, it's me again and I'm looking for 2 pokemon for my team: An epic Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard Timid with 28+ Speed and Special Attack An Epic Gliscor Tank/Bulky Impish and Hidden Ability with 29+ Speed and Sp.Def , 20+ Atk and Def I pay very well :) :kiss:
  21. 1 month ago i've tried to beat trainer Red on Mt.Silver summit and I've lost. And now after 1 month Red isn't appear.
  22. Heyyyy hello pokemaniac :Cool:
  23. [flash=]Today I try to buy some rare candy from my friend, and the system tell me: you can not trade your only pokemon away. But if I try to trade my Machop the trade is done, lol. My ingame nickname is Zeryan. :Grin:
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