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Everything posted by Senpro

  1. Hey welcome to The Grind. :Cool:
  2. Abilities meaning, fast Evs trainer, knowledge for pvp, photoshop knowledge, etc etc. Anyways, accepted under probation. If you're offline please go online, I can't add you to the guild, or tell me your IGN.
  3. Hey, welcome to The Grind.
  4. Haha,no problem, best way for you to join just join discord with us and tell me whenever you're online so I can invite you. Of course you will probably have to get home first for that.
  5. Thanks Sceo :)
  6. Accepted. Please go online so I can add you to the guild.
  7. No, no troll. Kappa (He's in already)
  8. [glow=black] ★ Origins ★[/glow] [glow=black]A little bit about ourselves[/glow] [glow=black]Our Objectives[/glow] [glow=black]Requirements to join our guild:[/glow] [glow=black]Hierarchy:[/glow] [glow=black]How to join?[/glow] [glow=black]Discord[/glow]
  9. Re: PRO Viability Rankings(PVP) <r><QUOTE author="TehCreepN1"><s> </e></QUOTE> With rain team being not a thing because of most abilities, moves not being coded electric types are not useful enough.</r>
  10. My OCD man, my OCD.
  11. not that I know of. Also, there should be sections to separate the different languages the guides are written/translated to. It would make it much easier and less messy.
  12. Senpro


    Guild Banks have been proposed a lot, so I think it has been taken into account already, not sure if guild improvement is in the "to do" list.
  13. That's exactly what I mean.
  14. Ok, I will get in to that soon enough (in spanish).
  15. Hello, Blue or Red?
  16. All your kanto pokemon are locked inside your pc, you get to choose a starter from the 3 johto starters. You unlock all your pokemon after the 8th badge, you can't cross back to kanto again till you beat the 8th gym either.
  17. I don't watch pokemon, I only like the games.
  18. Nothin about in game stuff, just forum stuff, like guides, mechanics and all the helpful stuff we have around here like the FAQ. :thanks:
  19. This should answer his question, if locked better.
  20. Lo que pasa es que el juego está en mantenimiento durante todo el día por eso se a caído mucho y no tenemos idea cuando volverá a ponerse normal we. Así que vamos a tener que esperar a ver que pasa, puedes saber mas o menos cuando el juego esta funcionando en la pagina principal cuando dice "online" esta abierto y cuando dice "offline" no lo está. :Grin:
  21. I'm just listening to music and singing waiting for it to come back on, so...
  22. There you have it guys, no need to be preoccupied any longer, god all chat is full of pessimists all day.
  23. Hey, welcome to The Grind. :Heart:
  24. Wiiii new stuff to use money on :Heart-eyes:
  25. Welcome to The Grind. Have fun
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