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Everything posted by Senpro
I would love to see that too, it probably is in the to do list by now.
I've been told before he doesn't reappears.
Pokedex Service [ Update new pokemons (15 May): Total 233 pokemon]
Senpro replied to Zusdz's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Re: Pokedex Service [ Update new pokemon: Total 210 pokemon] <t>I need your services, You are offline right now, contact me whenever you can. /friend senpro</t> -
The usual is to level up till level 98 and then use rare candies, the other places to train are Cerulean Cave, Mount Silver and Victory Road. If this doesn't helps you then I'm sorry I couldn't help much
Oh lol. I am not in the game, I am out of town so I cant log in. :)
Did you delete and re download the game? if you didnt then try that out.
Oh o.o *Starts running to get a axe*
He evolves from the cutest ghost out there, Shuppet. Shuppet used to be the most eye catching pokemon to me, when I was a kid, then a few years later when I got to understand pokemon a bit more I discovered Banette and fell in love with him. Last year when I found out Mega evolutions where a thing I freaked out when I saw Mega Banette, That was the moment I started to like mega evolutions, before that I didnt like it. So yeah.
I hope it does.
Hey, Glad to have you here. Enjoy the hunt.
There is a word that is censored that shouldnt be censored. So, yeah.
There is not much into priority moves so here we go. Priority moves go from -7 to +8. That means the higher the number it means it comes first, This is how it works in the regular game and how it should (Not sure if it does) in PRO. +8 [Activation of a object like Quick Claw] which makes your pokemon attack first. +7 [Pursuit Activates] Pursuit works this way: When a pokemon is switching and the opponent uses [Pursuit] It will apply double the damage and it SHOULD Attack before it switched out. +6 [Focus punch charge up, objects use, pokemon switch, run, pokemon rotation or mega evolution] As you can all figure out, it means as said above that pursuit should activate first. +5 [Helping Hand] Because... Mechanics. +4 [spiky Shield, Magic Coat, Kings Shield, Protect, Detection and Snatch] +3 [Endure, Quick Guard, Fake Out, Crafty Shield, Wide Guard] All of this are protective & one revenge damage move and Fake Out. +2 [Feint, Follow me, Rage Powder, Extreme Speed] High priority moves, Extreme speed being to my knowledge a highly competitive move. +1 [Ally Switch, Aqua Jet, Baby-Doll Eyes, Bide, Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, Ion Deluge, Mach Punch,Powder, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Vacuum Wave, Water Shuriken] Usual priority moves. 0 [Every day moves we all use] -1 [Vital throw] -2 None -3 [Focus Punch] -4 [Avalanche, Revenge] -5 [Counter, Mirror Cut] -6 [Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, Roar, Whirlwind] -7 [Trick Room] If there are any mistakes please let me know and also if any of you got some knowledge on how priority moves work inside PRO I can always edit this post. Thanks for reading
I know, but it would make it easier wouldnt it?
I think I am in the Champion category, I wish I was a Gym Leader BUT, I am awful at pvp (Yeah I said it) I am a little bit of a collector, but not much.
BETA phase, lots of moves/items are being implemented. So please be patient
You should have probably just edited your post instead of farming posts :)
GG I didnt noticed, I fought with him multiple times.
Yooooo, if you had it leveled up before evolving it it would be op I suggest you check the forums, because evolving pokemon at such low levels will make it so hard to train it will be impossible to. Go surf the forums its actually enjoyable after a while, maybe you will learn a lot.
What do you mean, for what I got, I think that is already there...
It actually is a nice idea, it would make things a lot easier 1.mount 2.water mount 3.axe 4.pick 5.repel 6.escape rope 7.+++
Trainer reset is a problem that lots of players are probably tired of, I think it would be better to have encounters be by interacting with them so people that actually want to fight them can go fight them.
Wouldnt that make more unnecesary trouble in the long run for staff? for example people that take pokemon out of box for benefit and then leave guild. On the other side it IS a awesome idea, and if staff find it to have more pros than cons then it WILL be implemented
Best bug ever, that electrivire is priceless. it should probably be fixable, just ask any staff if none sees this.
BETA phase The objetive is exactly that you can have 2 games in the same name. BETA phase The idea is to have the trainers have no idea what they are against, that makes the game be more exciting for the players that are tired of the easy game Already implemented Already implemented
This should be moved outside of this category. *reporting this*