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Everything posted by Senpro

  1. For what I know he doesnt respawn, so yeah. GL
  2. I will probably give your channel a few views, just not today, do you play in red or blue?
  3. Hey, welcome to the community, usually lots of users in help chat help around with anything you need. If I were you I would read all I can in forums just to make it easier for yourself, remember this game is a "parody" so not everything is identical as the original games, have some patience while learning the ropes of the game after that it becomes way easier and will probably be as enjoyable as it is for me. Remember this game is in beta so we still have some bugs and issues. Welcome to the grind.
  4. Just need to look around for a bit, Tumblr helps.
  5. Hey, take this as a peace of advice from a casual player, play as much as you want, do NOT rush anything, capture all the pokemon you can along the way and try to evolve all the pokemon you get (different pokemon) it will makes things a lot easier for you later on in the game. Have fun.
  6. Someone called Peybellflower (IGN) Had some trouble connecting too, maybe its the same kind of bug. It should probably be fixed soon enough. Hang on dude :)
  7. Finished and delivered.
  8. [glow=blue]Evs Training:[/glow] [glow=cyan]Level Training:[/glow] [glow=purple]Information about the Day Care owner:[/glow] [glow=red]Finished Pokemon:[/glow] [glow=red] [/glow] [glow=yellow] [/glow] [glow=red]Prices may change, also open to negotiations[/glow] [glow=blue]New prices![/glow]
  9. The game is offline right now, it might me that, please be patient, I have the same problem I think it isn't a MAC problem. EDIT: It just came online, have fun.
  10. Ideal starting price: 300k 28 hours more or less auction. (Till I get back from school tomorrow).
  11. Usually if anyone scams it is reported and will probably receive punishment anyways. Just with the commands its ok, no need to add item highlights wouldn't be bad to, but there is actually no need for it. I support this idea all the same :)
  12. I don't know why you guys wouldn't just update your system. (Not trying to be a prick =) )
  13. That would actually be helpful, sometimes I loose battles by 2-3 hp, atleast make the bar change color when it is half hp down so we know if we can 2 shot or 3 shot. I think that would be enough =)
  14. Hey, I'm Sen. Don't get confused by my avatar, I'm a man. I'm 16 years old, and hispanic so my english is not perfect, pretty sure I got my grammar on a high level where I am so I'm interested in joining I'm a addicted recently joined player, currently 70 hours and counting, 16 badges, beaten e4 today as of 16/4/16. I'm currently looking for a guild with lots of usual players and active members to never or not usually needing to go to help or all chat to ask stuff. Also, sometimes I ask too much so pardon me in advance. ~Sen
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