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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I start (4 iv rerolls + 200k)
  2. Ok cool! Seems like I missed this one. Thank you for the quick answer and have a great day
  3. I've been noticing something new in pve recently. When both mons die, it doesn't show up which will be the next enemy mon and I have to choose first. I just wanted to know if this change is intended or if it's some sort of bug.
  4. Hi everyone! This is something that has been bothering me for a while. We don't have a cooldown checker for sus bot, it's weird isn't it? Or maybe it's somewhere and I don't see it! I think it should be added to the extra cooldown checker, what do you guys think?
  5. I specified that I only accept cash, so I will not consider your offer, sorry.
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