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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. bump. less than 24h left
  2. Start Price: 4m End Point: 72h after first bid. Insta: No Insta Min. Raise: 250k Accepted Payment(s): IV RR = 750k, Nature RR = 350k
  3. Sold. Can be closed.
  4. just saw it now auction ended 2h53m and since no1 else bid ur the winner sir. Where can we meet? Check dms
  5. Start Offer: 2,5m End Point: 18th July 10am GMT+2 or CEST // roughly 48h from now Insta: 5,4m Min. Raise: 250k Accepted Payment(s): IVrr=750k, Nature rr= 375k, CC=375k,
  6. can be closed poke will be withdrawn
  7. Start Offer: 1m End Point: 48h from now / 15th July 9am GMT+2 or CEST Insta: 3m Min. Raise: 250k Accepted Payment(s): IVrr=750k, Nature rr= 375k, CC=375k,
  8. Start it Maestro. Play some music Sir. Greetings
  9. Aight its time. 3 Pokes is a hard limitation so i tried to pick 3 rare and really godly pokemon. Might add Honorable Mentions if some people are interested Silver Server: The one and only Glisgod The Bosssharp And the Medichamp Greetings
  10. I think the auction ended. And @Gabriel345 is the winner with 3,75m.
  11. thx have a good one buddy
  12. Bump
  13. Bump
  14. Hi friendo Pm me on Discord if ur interested CyBeR54#5454 Greetings
  15. Pokemon/Item being auctioned: Starting price/point: 2.5m Ending point: 72h after first bid Insta Price: 15,4m Available payments: Pokedollars, CC = 400k, IV RR = 700k, Nature RR = 350k, Minimum raise: 250k Gl to all participants
  16. Bump for the best guild and for my lovely Leader Black
  17. Bump for the best guild. Also my leader kinda lazy Kappa
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