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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. Bump
  2. Bump we back to silver ^^
  3. bump
  4. aight lemme see. wasnt home all day long ^^
  5. bump
  6. its not fire and the breloom is already gone. seems like i forgot to delete it from the post and sure 90k for the staraptor is fine
  7. bump
  8. Psvita? whats that? :harold:
  9. bump
  10. have fun with it buddy. Greetings
  11. yeah im in vermi ^^
  12. yesir how can i help you
  13. bump
  14. bump
  15. Yo bro i would recommend u to read the rules have a good one
  16. im in vermillion buddy Greetings
  17. the 400k one? Greetings
  18. bump
  19. bump
  20. bump
  21. +1
  22. Hey welcome enjoy your time Greetings
  23. He has the permission im going to buy it with my shop acc named "cybershop" which is on gold atm. Well obv if he wins ^^ Greetings
  24. check pms friendo
  25. ty again sir ^^
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