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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. Hey bro nice shop and there is i would suggest. Why dont u just delete the empty spoiler? U can still add it afterwards. So we have less to scroll and we know whats there in first place Greetings
  2. hey sir. There could be more gyaras. can u tell me the price or ot or something like that. And im online now ^^
  3. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65778-restore-pokemon-megathread/ and there is no npc that can do that Greetings
  4. Hey, im online now hit me up whenever u can
  5. sure thing im logging meet me in vermi sir
  6. which ones exactly bro? natures or ot and prices for all. Idk which ones Greetings
  7. added 40 untrained larvitars and pupitars and more will follow in a bit ^^
  8. Hey bro i changed the price to 300k now. Dunno if u still want it. Let me know if ur still interested. Hey bro im online now and im in vermi. Just hit me up my ign is Cybershop
  9. I just realized that the ampharos is way 2 cheap. I have to change the price Greetings
  10. Sure thing can u meet me at vermillion and if there is more. Which nature has it and which price Greetings
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