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Everything posted by Cyber54

  1. My Shop is reopened enjoy! Greetings Edit: Seems like the pics arent working for everyone besides me... I´ll fix it tomorrow im sorry. Love the new forums btw :harold:
  2. Take care and farewell homie. Greetings
  3. +1 but will be declined anyways. Greetings
  4. Ign: CyBeR54 Server: Silver Can u remove just 1 level from my ralts please. Greetings Edit: it's possible that the mon is on my alt Acc CyBeR95
  5. Heard the Picture doesnt load for everyone so here are the stats: ATK : 29 DEF : 31 SPD: 31 SPATK: 22 SPDEF: 21 HP: 30
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