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Everything posted by Henrigolant

  1. I buy the 600 k umbreon (i pm'ed on discord)
  2. What is your Discord tag? Henri Golant#8463 How often do you use Discord? I use discord almost everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I think it's already perfect, i would suggest nothing more :)
  3. My favorite poke is weavile because it's just weavile. I want to win because i'm actually poor. For Christmas, i just wish good moments with my family and friends, it's already enough.
  4. NPC name : Henrigolant Dialogue : Go buy yourself some humor ! It's a Christmust-have !
  5. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Red server, good luck :)</t>
  6. Re: [RED] TOURNAMENT : Kanto Classic [OPEN 46/52] <t>Count me in bro :)</t>
  7. IGN : Henrigolant State : France Thank you so much for this giveaway ! So, I would love to win this nintendo switch for some good reasons : It is probably the best console for a Nintendo fan like me, and I haven't enough money to buy it (i'm 16 years old so I'm not so rich). Also, my brother is a bit depressed so I think that playing with me on MK8 or alone on Zelda BOTW could help him to smile again. Have a nice day and good luck everyone !
  8. I live in France. I really want this switch because my 18 yo brother don't want to play video games anymore, he doesn't enjoy it like before. I want to play with him and atm the only way is to get a switch so ... i'd really love to get one to make him happy (and me in the same occasion lol). Have a nice day My IGN : HenriGolant
  9. https://imgur.com/a/P0tsd 1. Offers start at 1M and bid at least 100K more as the best offer 2. No instaprice, so continue to offer as much as you want 3. MS=750k 4. No deadline
  10. Salut, alors je m'appelle Nathan, j'ai 15 ans mais je pense pas être trop chiant (j'entends par là que je pense avoir acquis une certaine maturité avec le temps). J'ai "assez peu" d'expérience sur le jeu étant donné que je n'ai qu'une centaine d'heures de jeu, je me suis juste contenté de rush le jeu. Je pense me diriger vers l'aspect stratégique du jeu étant donné que j'ai une bonne expérience dans ce domaine (je suis actif sur Pokemon Shodown depuis 3 ans et je me démerde plutôt pas mal). Il me manque néanmoins le côté communautaire que pourrait m'apporter votre guilde. Ah oui, mon nom IG --> Henrigolant (grave l'originalité tmtc maggle) Sur ce, à la revoyure.
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