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Everything posted by Vastik

  1. I'll buy Tyrantrum, I send you pm in Discord
  2. Hm sure, but not in my selling post. I don't want spam here or shitty talks. Much less opinions of people who have played since November 2017 with 500hrs playtime, you just make me laugh. I ask with respect for you shut up @RedRysen next time I will alert some mod.
  3. yo its sell post, I dont even ask your opinion so keep it ONLY for you. If someone wants it for 2m will take, I don't care if you think its expensive or cheap (your opinion basiclly), don't comment my posts again, anyway thanks for the bump.
  4. Insta only, if someone wants it for 2m it still open. Fire HP
  5. Send me a PM in Discord when you are online!
  6. One of best shops ever, I've to say: Goodjob! Im interested in Hariyama, I can pay insta: 100k make me know when you are online. Discord vastik#9001
  7. Heliolisk Sold
  8. Hey mate, I don't have time/patience to EV train it for sell after. They still available, if you are interested make me know!
  9. Close/delete this shop please, I had one in Blue other in Red, so this one dont have utility anymore! Anyone interested just go there: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/84400-url
  10. Hawlucha #1 and Magikarp #6 sold
  11. I've a deal with red user for Tauros. After the merge if he declines it, I can sell you. I can't cancel my deals m8
  12. Chinchou #1 sold, thanks @kalash99
  13. Tangrowth Sassy SOLD
  14. Growlithe #1 SOLD
  15. Thanks @@Shirodw
  16. all right, ty anyway - I think 300k is acceptable price for it since you're not able to farm it more, its rare and have full epic ivs. If you change your mind make me know.
  17. Hey @Shirodw I thought in 300k for him, if you are interested make me know in next 10 minutes, I'll be online
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