Hm sure, but not in my selling post. I don't want spam here or shitty talks. Much less opinions of people who have played since November 2017 with 500hrs playtime, you just make me laugh. I ask with respect for you shut up @RedRysen next time I will alert some mod.
yo its sell post, I dont even ask your opinion so keep it ONLY for you. If someone wants it for 2m will take, I don't care if you think its expensive or cheap (your opinion basiclly), don't comment my posts again, anyway thanks for the bump.
Close/delete this shop please, I had one in Blue other in Red, so this one dont have utility anymore!
Anyone interested just go there:
all right, ty anyway - I think 300k is acceptable price for it since you're not able to farm it more, its rare and have full epic ivs. If you change your mind make me know.