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Everything posted by Vastik

  1. Will PM you in game
  2. SOLD to @Magicjinzo
  3. If GODLY Impish, im able to pay +5M or include this godly tier klefki in business. Post here your Skarmorys or sent me via Discord: vastik#9001
  4. I believe these Clefairys are cheap, so the first ones to talk take them. Later will post more! 150k 150k 130k 75k SOLD ONES
  5. Clefable Bold - Magic Guard Skarmory Impish/Bold - Sturdy Quagsire Relaxed - Unaware Discord vastik#9001 or post here, I will pay well.
  6. Well, time is over. I won it
  7. @Hawluchaa he can't add insta after auction start right?
  8. Since you fix the price, I start this. 3m by me
  9. I might be interested if you reduce the price, its overpriced I think
  10. bump
  11. bump
  12. I guess I won, PM in discord when its possible: vastik#9001
  13. new price
  14. then, i start for 2m
  15. Can I start it in 1,5m?
  16. bump
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