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Posts posted by Mephilist

  1. It is broken so I can do as i please.



    Just saying it seems pretty disrespectful to the community when you reply like that. Staff and players were willing to try to help you fix the problem but you rudely made a comment aimed at downgrading us. If you do choose to go back there then good luck to you = )

  2. Alright i give up i am just gonna go play pokemmo bye all


    Lets try keeping other communities out of discussion please. Pokemon Revolutions is still in development so give it some time. :Grin:

  3. Lmfao on the edit. I am from PokeMMO indeed and I already see that staff in here is prob even worse than there, starting to wonder if it's even worth moving



    Pretty disrespectful to say that about the staff here and yet alone mention the other mmo... We gave you a warm welcome. But if you feel that way then I wish you luck going back = )

  4. Hello!,


    The more i have been browsing the forums and anticipating this games release, Ive been wanting to get more involved with the community. Everyone on the forums sound like amazing people that would be fun to play/talk with. I noticed some Team speak suggestions but i was wondering about a Skype group or something else for members. Its just a thought but i hope something works out!





  5. As long as you're not one of those immature kids spamming lenny and talking as if you're 10 years old, then you're more then welcome here.


    you remember that too? Lol. Good times lmao :Smile:


    "Remember?"... It still happens...


    It's just childish, immature and annoying. That's why I quit that horrible game. It's worse then those people that type "~", at least most people that use the squiggly line put it after every single message they send...


    I don't mind it being posted once or twice... but people though it was funny to literally put it at the end of every single message they said. I'm still baffled on how they continue to do it to this very day and not get sick of seeing it. Just shows what sort of community is over there. I pray to God that they'll stay in their infested habitat over at MMO.





    Well it appears they are joining here anyways. But I assure you. The staff on here seem pretty respectful, and responsible. With that being said, im sure the community here will be allot better then the one over there = )

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