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Posts posted by Mephilist

  1. this is not a bug. not changing it. same as handheld.


    The fact that it was/is like this in the handheld games, doesn't automatically mean it makes sense. ;)

    Then again, you can store the bike, along with 5000 pokeballs in a seemingly standard issue backpack soooo.... Who cares? xD


    lol this^

  2. As title says i am in need of a cool forum signature.


    I do not have access to photoshop anymore so I am kinda at a loss. Ive been using ones I have found randomly on the Internet and i kinda want something original. If you could help me out in your guy's spare time I would love you forever! I am really into Steel Type Pokemon Like Lucario and Metagross, so if you can get something with those 2 with The former Hoenn champ Steven or something like that, Ill use it on everything and ill Hug you and ill never let go :Heart-eyes:




    - mephilist

  3. I see where you are going with that.


    But I just want to clarify this game is not a pay to win. Donor status is only 5$ a month which in honesty is not that much. Ill admit some spawn rates need to be adjusted a tad bit. However with Donor Pokes I do not think they should be adjusted. This is why: Membership perks are just simply "nice things to have". You donate to help the game not to gain benefits from it (at least I hope that's the case). So just enjoy the opportunity to catch the pokes that staff could have easily have just not put in = )

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