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Posts posted by Mephilist

  1. No, not at all. Generally muting is a short lived punishment and an appeal process generally take time. For one you have to provide proof, the mod gets to present their reasoning and then a higher staff member has to determine if the punishment fits the crime and the amount of time it takes to do all this depends solely on when said staff members have time to deal with it. It's simply easier to take your mute and move on. If you get banned, that's generally how the process works and there is no realistic time tables on when they have to get these things done.



    I understand that, but people are given the option to fill out a ban appeal. If they said they didn't do anything wrong then staff could look through reports and decide based off that. = )

  2. yea absolutely! You need to copy the link of the trainer card. Go to Profile here on the forums. Go to Edit signature. Then youll see a img button on the edit menu. Press that and in between the image and /image copy and paste the link. Then save!.


    Hope that helps!!

  3. By the time the report is reviewed your mute would probably already be over and there is already a section to appeal bans.


    Its just a thought i had on helping staff communicate easier. Its not an insult in anyway. Sorry if you feel that way = )

    I don't find it insulting, just unnecessary.


    Sorry, i thought your previous comment was aimed at me, lol. I read it incorrectly.

  4. Something I used to do was make ban/mute reports. When Staff bans someone or mute someone they do it because they are breaking the rules. But what if they make a ban report saying the ban/mute was unjustified? Well what happens is you discuss it. However Only One person knows about what truly happened. I think as staff you should have a section next to staff zone labeled "mute/ban reports" that can only be seen by staff. you could come up with a format and Provide "evidence" of what actually happened. This way when a ban appeal comes in you can all sit down and look through what happened in the report. Now I am not saying it has to be long, and I am not saying it has to be massively detailed. What i am saying is to provide the evidence needed justifying why you muted/banned the person. This will also be fairly simple once you get in routine. It will also be more professional and will show the responsibility of the moderators on revolution, :thanks: for considering.




    Aaron :Heart:

    Just because you don't see them, doesn't mean something like that doesn't exist. There are hidden sub-forums/topics as well. To show it openly however... I'm not sure labeling players in such a manner. Shaming them even is a good thing to put on display. Granted, we have the jail and public Mute notification in chat. I for one think that staff should discuss this internally and not of public view.



    yea thats what i mean. Like having it under a hidden private forum" for only staff to see. I just thought this would help them out.

  5. By the time the report is reviewed your mute would probably already be over and there is already a section to appeal bans.


    Its just a thought i had on helping staff communicate easier. Its not an insult in anyway. Sorry if you feel that way = )



    Edit: thought this was aimed at me lol, sorry bout that.

  6. Something I used to do was make ban/mute reports. When Staff bans someone or mute someone they do it because they are breaking the rules. But what if they make a ban report saying the ban/mute was unjustified? Well what happens is you discuss it. However Only One person knows about what truly happened. I think as staff you should have a section next to staff zone labeled "mute/ban reports" that can only be seen by staff. you could come up with a format and Provide "evidence" of what actually happened. This way when a ban appeal comes in you can all sit down and look through what happened in the report. Now I am not saying it has to be long, and I am not saying it has to be massively detailed. What i am saying is to provide the evidence needed justifying why you muted/banned the person. This will also be fairly simple once you get in routine. It will also be more professional and will show the responsibility of the moderators on revolution, :thanks: for considering.




    Aaron :Heart:

  7. Just putting this out there after some thought... I want to see this community thrive.... But without the trolls. (you and i ryse both come from another mmo that got trashed by trolls) As a fellow player im asking that you Please consider deleting the "non child friendly" part of this post. thanks = )

  8. Re: ÄURA Guild - now recruiting mature players


    <r><QUOTE author="RysPicz"><s>

    </s>Not Gary, I am Forfiter a'ka RysPicz, the current leader of Aura. Tag is identical, we have changed [PoAu] into [ÄURA]. It's a big coincidence you took that exact tag with that exact Ä. Besides look at your introduction and ours. It's practically the same.<br/>


    I don't really give a poo, but it would at least be nice if you'd say from where you got it. My idea when coming to this game was restoring [PoAu] anyway, rather than going along with Aura. My folks are really sentimental about the tag.<br/>


    Either way, good luck with your team.<e>



    well i hope the name change calms your "folks". And thank you! good luck with yours as well!!</r>

  9. Re: The Lost Light Guild - now recruiting mature players


    <t>The name has changed from Aura to "the lost light" due to the fact Other players from another mmo feel that i stole their "team" idea for my guild and have decided to "call me out on the forums" (although the only thing in common was the name)</t>

  10. Re: ÄURA Guild - now recruiting mature players


    <r><QUOTE author="RysPicz"><s>

    </s>You did stole the introduction, team name and took the idea of the team, I know, because I speak as a leader of this team. :)<e>


    I assume your gary? Please show me where i stole your words? Artwork? code of conduct? Ranks? forum title? introduction? And like i said before this is a guild not a team. But thanks for your criticism! If you want i can change the name if your that upset about it = )</r>

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