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Everything posted by Fallcain

  1. How much for smoke ball?
  2. Hello, i want to buy a smoke ball
  3. Re: SsundeePoops's Rare Pokemons Shop[updated](Restock every week) <t>I buy Shroomish#4(No.4) nick in game: Fallcain<br/> <br/> Im online now</t>
  4. Im in!! Ign: Fallcain
  5. Welcome back my friend!! :Grin:
  6. Hello, you still have the Ferroseed ... i want to buy it
  7. Fallcain

    PRO for iPad

    I hope someday play on that device !!! :y:
  8. Re: Darumaka(1 hour left) <r><QUOTE author="YourMomGr"><s> </e></QUOTE> i can't see the image!!.. repost plse</r>
  9. Re: [WTB] "calm" Eevee // "calm" Nosepass <r><QUOTE author="scott18"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hello, you still have it?</r>
  10. Hello guys, im still looking for these pokes, plse reply if you have !! Eevee Nature: Calm Ability: any, no H.A Iv's Atk: 0-10 Def: 20+ Spd: N/A S. Def: 20+ S. Atk: N/A HP: 25+ Nosepass Nature: Calm Ability: Sturdy Iv's Atk: N/A Def: 20+ Spd: N/A S. Def: 20+ S. Atk: 15+ HP: 25+ Ferroseed Nature: Sassy Ability: Iron Barbs Iv's Atk: 20+ Def: 20+ Spd: 0-10 S. Def: 20+ S. Atk: N/A HP: 25+ If already have evolved options (Umbreon, Probopass, Ferrothorn), I'm really interested.... 1.7m budget each!!
  11. This shop is fantastic!! 15 hrs for a level 95 pokemon!! Good luck!
  12. I need this mouse because I want to have a more competitive pc :kiss: . It would also be a nice collection for my room :Grin: Name: Fallcain Server: Red
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