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Everything posted by Seventhsky

  1. Welcome to PRO! :Smile:
  2. Hello and welcome ! :Grin:
  3. Maybe you got queue ?
  4. Seriously? xD
  5. wow , but how did you make a full 100s team in 16 hours?
  6. Also , except drag & drop method, you can use that command in chat [Pokemon1] , [Pokemon6] , numbers go from 1-6, depends on what slot you got the pokemon you want to link in chat.
  7. Faith in humanity : Restored :Smile:
  8. Hello and welcome to PRO :Grin:
  9. I have noticed that too, but not on PC. This happens on the android client all the time , i got a lg g4 , it got 2560x1440 resolution so i have to check game zoom and increase GUI every time.
  10. Welcome to PRO ! In this section you can find a lot of useful information for the game mechanics , quest walkthroughs , npc battles etc. :Smile:
  11. It will get fixed soon i guess :Grin:
  12. Welcome to the forum :Grin:
  13. 252 atk / 252 spd / 4hp
  14. Try uninstalling and installing the game again.
  15. I beat Johto E4 With Krookodile and Gyarados. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If he doesn't reply, assume he used Kingdra, ability doesn't really matter.. most likely sniper.. running dragon dance/waterfall/outrage/rest. DD boosts waterfall/outrage. Rest heals, and Kingdra probably has lum equipped every time. Krookodile running moxie ability. Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge/Rock Tomb/, Outrage. Actually I was using Dragon Pulse, Ice beam and surf with Kingdra and Crunch and Earthquake with Krookodile. Thank you! Already leveling a kingdra , atm 84lvl :Grin:
  16. Indeed , 2 weeks are a balanced cooldown time to re-battle them.
  17. Welcome to the forum then :Grin:
  18. Welcome to PRO :Smile:
  19. Hello and welcome to PRO :Grin:
  20. You like grinding heh :Smile: I also like to grind for hours , so its +1 from me, but as a side-system of course so casual players can continue enjoying the game.
  21. Welcome to PRO!
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