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Everything posted by Expelliarmus

  1. Would you like to have hordes in the game? I hope that at least the double battles (Party) arrive soon.
  2. I made it. I will return to tell if the problem persists. Thank you very much, Fenne :Shy:
  3. This driver error appears sometimes, but it is most common when I open the tab '' items' in battle. I already have Direct X and my drivers are up to date. Could you help me identify the problem? :Cry:
  4. +1. I would like to change the input music. When you have 400 players in the queue, and u are listening to it until it's your turn arrive you are sleeping. Would I like something more excited, like this: [bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_Q9gQ5T3K0[/bbvideo]
  5. Welcome to PRO. Enjoy the Game~
  6. Thanks bro. This will be very useful :Shy:
  7. Welcome to PRO. Have fun in the community~
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