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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - SELL CINCCINO - Full Dex Service Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/92% SINNOH <t>Bump.</t>
  2. I hope they don't. Grinding or training is already long enough, don't want to imagine with all the animation... you will get bored after the third time. I mean, it's ok for the Poke animation when you start the battle I think.. but moves... :Shocked:
  3. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - SELL CINCCINO - Full Dex Service Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/92% SINNOH <t>Bump. Cinccino on sale.</t>
  4. We have a Che Guevara wannabe here. Drop it man, I can hear you kid-raging here.
  5. Ciao. Mi sono sloggato da poco, dimmi quando sarai online quotando questo post (così m'arriva la notifica, sennò non me ne accorgo) e mi collego.
  6. But what happen after? He get dq, you get his pvp coin?
  7. I'm scared now, since there are troll that fake nice attitude, I hope they don't get the opportunity to destroy PRO. :Shocked:
  8. My suggestion may put everybody on the same page, what do you think about that? Because yes, rewards are only 600 stats and not super legendary... but still, a 600 stats poke with perfect nature and perfect stats may still be an uber power pokemon. I mean, I see lot of valid point from both side here.
  9. My opinion is let them choose: 1- You pick your perfect stats poke, but you can't use it in ranked. 2- You use it in ranked, but get random stats.
  10. Disagree on the shiny part. Shiny Pika or beldum would become worthless. But if I remember they were working on achievements, but I guess it's all gone...?
  11. Am I wrong or tons of MMO got stuff like that?
  12. Some ideas: 1) Time requirement to open it: the guild has to be open since at least 3 months; 2) Guild need to have at least 50 member; 3) 1 m to buy the "house"; 4) 50k monthly rent; 5) lot of lot of lot of lot of stuff to buy, both in game (add a "guild house seller") or from shop. Price can go from 25k (chairs, little things) to 100k (pc to not use pokecenter, tv, other nice cosmetics) to 200k (hire people, like weekly seller, or permanent healer), to 300k (light the first time, or you need to use flash to see lol, add more room, etc.). 6) add a guild house entrance in many places of the 3 region. Money sink, new donation, not tons of guild, people will be happy. Win-win.
  13. one thing is not so many guild (also to not stress the server), another thing is only 4/5 guild...
  14. 10m? so only a few guild can do this..
  15. It would be really cool but: 1- Expensive 2- Only for guild with 50+ members.
  16. today I fought against a team with blissey tangrowth clefable donphan all together, so boring :confused: but we can't ban everything.
  17. Jambaman vs Gardevoir92 3-0 Gallade92 vs Mastermanmc 1-0 Ghekkuga vs Giantonic 3-0 NamelessHero27 vs Zeryan 3-0 Jambaman vs NamelessHero27 Gallade92 vs Ghekkuga #1 vs #2
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