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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. sold to Cames 48 hrs from TzRekJad first offer down here.
  2. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 20/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>Bump.</t>
  3. Yep. I just don't get if it is only if you win or also if you loose.
  4. But yet he seems to know exactly how the game works.. :Crazy:
  5. Of course it is.. people playing and level 100 growing, it's normal. Look, we understand that you like to play with own OT poke, and it's ok, but lot of your suggestion are "forcing OT only" related, and that will limit the multiplayer in a multiplayer game.. it just can't work. :Grin: However, I like this 50 level or 252 EV.
  6. ...and totally kill the lev 100 market.
  7. It depend. Pvp ask stats , but I m not a huge Pvp players. For the others... some shiny are pretty ugly to me. Im talking about all those "omg we are sick/radioactive" Green shiny like golbat... very ugly. Others, like ninetales. .. wow.
  8. Don't worry, Red is the same. :y: However, mecanojilano explain everything pretty well, it's up to you choose.
  9. the main one is complete the pokedex but I almost give up. Then is to have all Starters, Eevolutions and Pseudo-Legendary at level 100. I just have to train a new Totodile then evolve lot of lev 96 poke and I'm done. I think next will be hunt my fav type of poke, Fire. I may think about all fire Poke to level 100...
  10. That's true, but hopefully things can change, because I think an idea like this, open to everyone, will be a huge boost for people in end game to stay. However it's their game so their decision, we can only suggest. :y:
  11. We have the possibility. There are teleport pokemon in lot of route.
  12. This sound good. Maybe 50% is a bit too much, maybe 40%, but sound good.
  13. Jahus sorry but I disagree (and I think the staff will disagree too) with everything who limit the multiplayer factor in a multiplayer game..
  14. No, a fixed price will never work.. We need different solution, but it's not easy. The economy situation is a huge part of the lack of players lately, imho.
  15. That happens because some people have more then 10/15/20/etc mln. Nothing wrong with that, they can easily spend 1 mln for a ms. But this situation make rich guys even richer and new player will always be poor. Even the decent/good poke in trade chat goes for 1m today.. back in time, I had trouble in 4rth gym in Johto, but price wasn't crazy, I was allowed to buy a good dragonair for 60k that I still use today sometimes. Now that would be impossible because even the baddest pokemon cost so much money.. what does that mean? That mean new players with not so much time=quit. Did anyone noticed that newplayers in viridian/pallet are always rarer? I remember time when Viridian PC was so full of people that you can't even saw another guy for a trade. I think this may be another part of the current problem.. :Ambivalent:
  16. I'm not the one suggesting to change the bosses in a hardest way, so I'm not the one who have to suggest something. I'm ok with them the way they are, I just want more of them.
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