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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. 1- I don't like the suggestion, because I strongly believe that would ruin the game in a weeks, sorry. 2- How many nice answers.. I was right in the other topic.
  2. Yeah, that' right. I used a MS only one time, this summer, and I can play without any problem.
  3. Disagree. Strongly disagree. We lost many people, yeah. But not the "end game people". Did you ever tried going to viridian city now? It's almost empty. It was full some months ago. And Help chat? A desert. This place also was full months ago. But All chat and Trade chat are still full. So, where do why lost people? At the start of the game. We are loosing new players. And why are we loosing new players? Because of lack of new content? Nope, they can't know about new content if they are new too. We are loosing new players because they don't stick around. And the major reason for that is the economy situation. And I'm not talking about the MS, let's forget MS for a moment. Today, even decent Pokemon can go for 800/900k. It's out of control. A new player can never afford that. I remember I bought great Crawdaunt, Gyarados, Florges back in the time when I was stuck at the E4. Never paid more than 100/120k because that was the price for good poke. Epic cost more, and that's ok, but good/decent cannot cost 900k. So what happen? The game is hard (that's not a complain, I like it)->they need help->they can't get help->they try or they quit. Or let's talk about people asking for help. There are a few old player always ready to help (like JollyolNathan), and that's great... but do you know how many "lmao" "go away noob" "just stop it and google" or troll answer I read daily and daily when new players ask for something? A lot. I almost feel dumb for give some money when someone is struggling to get a bike, or for the 20/25 Squirtle I gave away for free in the last months, or for when a guy didn't had money for dex service and I still gave him the service, or when I stop doing what I'm doing to find and guide someone out of a cave. Why should I do that when I could just "lol go away noob". And Trade chat? "wts x y 992525k no noob" Yehii! How nice. And that's how we come in this situation. So.. who are to blame? Staff? I don't think so.
  4. Well good then. I thought not because for the moment there aren't new content, but ok.
  5. I don't think he will make any videos for the moment.
  6. However new maps are very beautiful, very good job to who made them.
  7. They should work again this evening or in two days (cd 12 days or 14 days)...
  8. Winter cloth tradable, Santa's cloth not tradable.
  9. Re: Clone Event Re-activation <r><QUOTE author="allaammoorr"><s> </e></QUOTE> I think the event is done since we are gonna get Christmas Event. <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  10. Tomorrow they should work again. I will try 23 hrs from now.
  11. Officer Wargreymon Luxray - Superpower / Crunch/ Howl Oak Tauros - Giga Impact / Swagger Exeggutor - Leaf Storm / Arcanine - Extreme Speed / Mega Venusaur - Giga Drain / Kangaskhan - Reversal / Dragonite - Hurricane /
  12. Very good topic, but I would try another format for the post.
  13. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 20/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto/Johto <t>Bump.</t>
  14. Re: WTS Lev 100 Shiny Tentacruel and Pidgeot <r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/s4SgCSU.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  15. In red server is one of the new Morty rewards. Probably in the others server too.
  16. Very good and fast daycare, recommended. :y:
  17. Re: WTS Lev 100 Shiny Tentacruel and Pidgeot <r>BO 120k on Tentacruel from Aventureur in game.<br/> <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/CsCwgR0.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
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