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Everything posted by Namelesshero27

  1. Well.... what to do then? Force us to use weak type? Make them level 400? I think there is nothing to do... if we can play well, we can win easily. The only right point is about Gengar/EQ.
  2. You know I'm not so sure about that? Too many game where they succeed without any problem..
  3. ..or, they will know that they will get easily banned. Omertà is never the answer.
  4. Yeah, you would probably understand that I'm not a bot, what I was saying is that is too dangerous hunt bot only this way. This is just a bad moment, but they will hire new staff soon.. believe me, let's leave this stuff to them.
  5. If that's how you hunt bots.. I'm glad nobody saw me yesterday. :Shocked: Went to the moon on 20:00 poke time, turn off the pm, reach the entrance of Rayquaza's cave, and hunt gible in that small place, up and down, till 4:00 pokè time.
  6. Well then we must leave this business to staffer.
  7. I still don't get how you can understand when a players is human or a bot... how?
  8. really? 12 days? didn't know that..
  9. Re: NH 27 Cheap Shop - New Pokemon 20/10 - Egg Moves service 16k - Full Dex Service Kanto <t>Bump.</t>
  10. Indeed, it's weird to say, but I actually miss the queue, that just means there are a lot of players playing the game. Queue Was gone after they opened yellow server , nothing to do with the quitting of the last week.
  11. Re: WTS Bold Squirtle - 23def/31spdef/30hp BO 350k <t>you are the BO now.<br/> 48 hrs start from your offer.</t>
  12. you need to do the teleport quest again. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=31585 PC are 3 now.
  13. Re: epic garchomp and bold togekiss (1 day left) <t>800k garchomp.</t>
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 06/11/16] <t>Why is Mega Manectric sleeping when surge choose it?<br/> <br/> Pika holding Light ball, thanks Surge.</t>
  15. well guys, since everyone love to talk about "like in real economy".. well, in real economy when economy (sorry, how many time I'm saying "economy"? lol) inflation get out of control and economy (again lol) is about to fall, government do something. So, I honestly expect government to do something. The problem is that we have no government at the moment, so it's ok to wait, because we all know what's happening, they need time, etc. No problem with that. But I would be really relieved knowing that they are gonna do something about this problem in the future. :y: Edit: don't get me wrong, I disagree with the suggestion in the first post and with any form of "free MS".
  16. Re: WTS Bold Squirtle - 23def/31spdef/30hp <t>Too low, I'm sorry.<br/> <br/> Set a S.O.</t>
  17. not at all. indeed, that's the problem maybe.. too much hype. too much things WIP not released yet.
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