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  1. I have played them all, I own almost all of them and have beaten every one at-least once. Currently replaying Final Fantasy VII because I don't remember if I ever did a 100% run on it.
  2. Blue is down for me if that helps any. Probably just got overloaded or something
  3. Squirtle is my choice. I have played since Pokemon came to be and Squirtle was my first choice. To this day he/she holds a special place in my heart as it was the first Pokemon I ever played with.
  4. I understand the 350+ hours, in a way. But I think it would of been better like 100% Pokedex and maybe 150 hours. or some other requirement that is difficult but not time related.
  5. The staff are testing Hoenn and have warned that there is a chance the server could go down as a result. That and increased player base can cause server overloads.
  6. I really liked SAO but I haven't been watching any animes of late due to school and other things.
  7. Hello everyone! My IGN is Duzt. I mostly play on the blue server. I started on Red but since it always seemed to be down I went to Blue. I have been a fan of Pokemon ever since I got my first Pokemon Game for Christmas, Pokemon Yellow. I am currently in college and have about two years left in my software development degree. I am currently working on my own Pokemon Rpg (Forum Based). I would share a link but I can't until I have so many post I guess, but once I have enough time/post here I will post in a diffrent thread about it. I think that is about everything! Cya.
  8. Unfortunately I have noticed quite a bit of players that have been rude to others lately. Not wanting to help but also not wanting to stay quite. It doesn't matter how silly the question might be, if it is in the Help thread then you need to be respectful and answer it or keep your mouth shut.
  9. I think this is very useful. I took a lot from it.
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