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Everything posted by Rubyboy002

  1. Its a strong pokémon indeed..
  2. Also i've tried to restart my PC | Internet | Game |
  3. Hello, Today i've wanted to get my Huntail so i've caught 2x Clamperls on Route 124 (Not Underwater) And 1 of them has evolved into an Huntail. The other Clamperl is still mine. But Huntail became glitched and it has no OT. (Screenshot) : https://gyazo.com/5eb76a48db32c26a94e6ba7cd4354c31 (Video me trading Clamperl into Huntail) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN_PAkBKnVE Things that i tried to fix it: -Go to another PokéCenter. -Put it in my PC and Out my PC in the PokéCenter. -Trade it again with someone and back to me. -Level it up and battle with it. Currently im in Hoen at Hannah, But cannot do anything because im not able to get another DeepSeaTooth. Could anyone help me ingame please? My ingame name is: Rubyboy002
  4. Hello! Welcome to my shop! With Background Image's (Im able to remove blue magic effect if u want) Without Background Image's Prices? 10.000 PokéCoins ingame is fine enough for me. #GrowTheCommunity
  5. Didn't wanted to be mean, but i was just wondering, because " I Learned how to do some baby mon signatures! " so didn't understand it 100% But nice designs tho :D
  6. These are internet pictures of mew and scyther. https://www.google.be/search?q=baby+mon+mew&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiDsoKfjafVAhXSJ1AKHc29CZUQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=974#tbm=isch&q=baby+mon+scyther&imgrc=8ke03XBj_w7I9M: https://www.google.be/search?q=baby+mon+mew&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiDsoKfjafVAhXSJ1AKHc29CZUQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=974#imgrc=jSo3C80YKvFcyM:
  7. CLONE HUNTING AND SHINY HUNTING! https://gaming.youtube.com/c/GamesVanRuben/live
  8. Enjoy it boys :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Zur1vS32M
  9. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Blue Server :)</t>
  10. Alyssa, Can i come Discord? Cause the link u've send me is "Locked" so i cannot answer on the forum post of u..
  11. Im entering almost Hoen right now! (19th Februari 2017) and it is so boring without talking to anyone, that doesn't like Pokémon. That why i wanna join a Guild Playtime: 80 hours+ Where am i from: Belgium (EU) Age: 17 Discord/Teamspeak with good microphone: Yes.
  12. Pretty annoying to talk to friends that doesn't play/like PRO.. So i wanna be with someone in Teamspeak/Discord to talk too, Cause its really quiet over here..
  13. Lady's and Gentlemans! The moment were allot of people have been waiting for! My Official PRO Channel! My name is Ruben and im 17 Almost and im having a youtube channel with 1000+ Susbcribers! And i was uploading allot of minecraft before and some time PRO video's But now i will upload allot more and the channel will become an Official PRO + Minecraft Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/GamesVanRuben Ask me any questions if u want me to make a video about something!
  14. Hello guys my name is Ruben and i wanted to ask you guys opinion about my team, i keep failing defeating elite 4 in johto.. Pokemon 1: https://gyazo.com/6455c1d39471042cff8839ea04b16fe0 Pokemon 2: https://gyazo.com/c201759504350ad07b0af201e79088a2 Pokemon 3: https://gyazo.com/36ae0667bc506a303e5f798f2e31b7e0 Pokemon 4: https://gyazo.com/9c3459f66dc006c56d0b7d015128185c Pokemon 5: https://gyazo.com/7c870de837d97269f398041c995665a3 Pokemon 6: https://gyazo.com/de992c575a445b664a342a26bf7234c3 Why isn't my team not good enough? Any hints to defeat this Elite 4 ?
  15. I also want in a guild :p Im in Johto right now at elite 4
  16. Hello guys, My name is Ruben or Rubyboy002 (Blue Server) I am making video's of this game and i wanted to ask u guys, if you wanted that i do giveaways, Level 100 etc.. =) ? My channel? GamesVanRuben =) Please leave an nice comment :)
  17. all of them, where can i find them all?
  18. Can u find them anywhere in Johto?
  19. Thank you!
  20. Hello, I was in a town and went into a Pokécenter i guess and its said 'Loading.." with black screen, but it now loading for 5 minutes litterly and i restarted game 2 times and restarted my pc 2 times too And its still loading! https://gyazo.com/307fa32a7c140b2db31fa6caa692bd43 Please help me asap :) IGN: Rubyboy002
  21. [highlight=yellow]Thanks for Watching this Tread. Please leave a like and subscribe # Giveaway Soon[/highlight]T (Subscribe now and at 700 Sub Giveaway Video)
  22. Hello guys! My name is Ruben. Friend of Ferhat Rocks Im going to show "How to get" or "How to beat ..... EASY"...
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