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Everything posted by Theakalli

  1. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>301+ Hours,i Heard.</t>
  2. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>Misty gave me 5 rare candies and 1 Star Piece</t>
  3. I was fighting the boss for Phione. Lugia Obscur used Roar. I got knocked out. Critical hit. Shouldnt be normal..xd
  4. I was just fighting every boss then I went to fight the Pumpin King and this is what I get. https://gyazo.com/969c8415b7f7e6423186fe6adab3e818 So yeah.
  5. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>Also Chuck and Koichi both gave me 7K.<br/> <br/> And I dont know if its really a boss,im just saying in case,MestrePokemon in lavenders hall of fame,he has a red name,but cant find anything about it.If anyone knows</t>
  6. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Guide for Summer Bosses! <t>Shamac gave me 5 focus sash and 11k.</t>
  7. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 09/02/2017] <t>For Steven you need like 251+ hours probably,couldnt do it but now i can.</t>
  8. Hey Thatkid,nice to see you back,you gave me 100k and a talonflame before you left.Unfortunately i dont have the Talon anymore,i gave it away since it wasnt mine.I can still give you the 100K if you want,hmu in game anytime.:)
  9. Oh yeah i completly forgot that,my bad.
  10. Couldnt find any subject about this,so imma just show you what i mean.I tried to do a trade and to show my shinies pokemon to this guy.But it wouldnt let me put them in the chat. Here's a screen. : https://prntscr.com/eecv5c
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 09/02/2017] <t>Oy,Got a Gaslty from Keres and 10 Hyper ball / Super Ball.</t>
  12. yea u need 351+ hours.:p
  13. Check your pokemons,maybe you made them old it.
  14. Well,i was so excited for this but....
  15. Dont think you would be banned for that.But if he made alll the way to you then i can understand his frustation.But hes the one that can get banned if he insulted you.
  16. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>when is the underground coming?</t>
  17. Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres] <t>You cant challenge Keres with a steel type..</t>
  18. Re: Obtainable Legendary Recatch/Rebattle Until Caught <r><QUOTE author="MayElesa"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Yes,and if they disconnect in the battle (because if you have a place in yoour team,you can check your pokemon ivs just after u throw the ball) they'll go the center,and then,they have a cooldown</r>
  19. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <r><QUOTE author="MestrePokemon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Probably in the underground.</r>
  20. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <t>Very nice,cant wait for the underground to come !</t>
  21. Well...you should be happy to have them and be thankful to the staff for making them possible to catch. You didnt have luck this time,they cant do anything about it.
  22. Hey,so i managed to obtain the 8 eeveelutions (evolved them all) but the guy keep saying he would be really impressed if i would show him all the evolved eeveelution here is the proof : https://prntscr.com/bmowf5 and of course doesnt give me any reward.
  23. Not a bad idea,i like it,but it must be rare.
  24. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <t>Lol dude...Its 6 rattata..And before you needed a level 100 rattata..</t>
  25. Hii,im Akalli. Im playing this game since 2 months i think,and i really enjoy it. Im 17 years old,and a true pokefan.:) Hope to see you all in game.:) Bye !
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