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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. which server are you in?
  2. welcome back :)
  3. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r><QUOTE author="DanEvans"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="Hasseeb373"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="DanEvans"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="FearKl"><s> </e></QUOTE> Please add information about your Server.<e> </e></QUOTE> me from red server<e> </e></QUOTE> im from blue serv</r>
  4. but the servers are shutting down again and again. I reccomend shutting down the servers and find out the problem since i dont want other people to lose a good poke like i did
  5. i need an explanation to the roll backs since i lost a h.a gligar
  6. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <t>i participate over 1000hrs</t>
  7. Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <t>bump!!</t>
  8. submitted XD :Heart: :Heart:
  9. :Heart:
  10. both are bae :) flyon=most awesome looking dragon, leafeon=looks so mysterious and like a fairy and awesome :y:
  11. both are bae. Rayzuaza is my fav legendary poke :)
  12. those pics almost made me love arcanine more than charizard X xd
  13. :Heart: :Heart:
  14. If you could get any pokemon in real life which poke would it be? and which evo^^
  15. 6-10 animes(all seasons )
  16. one piece (when does a person die? when they get forgotten :Frown: :Frown: :Frown:
  17. naruto(lots of romance in it ;)
  18. pokemon :y: :y:
  19. price check pls
  20. ikr....
  21. gimme a shiny poke or an xmas poke as a present pls
  22. han you also didnt get any xmas pokemon? i didnt. Staffs hate me XD(jking)
  23. sigh bro. i have 1000hrs and 1 shiny sandshrew with ot. I feel you
  24. Re: GUILD ILLUSION RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{Fun events upcoming} <r><QUOTE author="antonchoy"><s> </e></QUOTE> I'll pm you the discord link^^ and welcome :)</r>
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