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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. Tzrekjad


  2. price of 31/30 weavile?
  3. edit: nvm, i see u have no insta
  4. it used to be black but they changed it :c
  5. with mega evolutions around the corner can i ask which will be banned? i dont wanna spend days hunting mawille only to see it is banned. Thanks.
  6. title. buget is 5-10m cash.
  7. 400k
  8. sold for insta, thanks
  9. okay, you are b.o , the auction beings at the time you posted that offer, new insta 500k.
  10. sold for insta thanks
  11. 20m pure cash or 25m+ in cash + pokes, will also add cash (5-10m) for shiny trades
  12. Hi, would my 6m b.o be enough to get rhe foongus if no1 else offer? Just wondering
  13. Hi guys, I am currently really struggling to make money ingame atm, any there any tips such as which poke to hunt that any of you would advise? Thanks :)
  14. Its t9 and 20+ so obviously this is expensive. If you get butthurt over seeing an expensive poke then you should leave. My price range for this is 20-25m , I am also open to shiny trades. Post your offers.
  15. sold
  16. Hi mate i have noticed you want more for the hp fire serpeior. May i use the money to insta the magi instead? I have 1.1m only right now
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