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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. bump :Grin:
  2. Re: ★ Calm STARMIE <t>2.3m starmie</t>
  3. Re: a nice tynamo <t>bump insta lowered to 500k</t>
  4. Re: a nice tynamo <r><QUOTE author="linkaros" post_id="435953" time="1504076056" user_id="924757"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok i will start with that offer, however the b.o is 250k from the guy below you</r>
  5. start 300k insta 500k auction will last 24 from the starting offer. GL ^^
  6. bump updated
  7. Re: Shiny Lombre & Staryu for sale. (Auction 24hs). <t>yo any time limit ?</t>
  8. Re: Shiny Lombre & Staryu for sale. (Auction 24hs). <t>start 1m staryu</t>
  9. 400k SOLD
  10. Re: Shiny Drapion !!! <t>do you accept coin capsules?</t>
  11. Re: another nice shellder <t>bump added different shellder</t>
  12. Re: nide shellder <r><QUOTE author="xblazz10" post_id="430658" time="1503240042" user_id="153740"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me ingame</r>
  13. Re: nide shellder <r><E>:Grin:</E> bump</r>
  14. insta 400k. 200k start. auction will last 24h from the first offer.
  15. Re: ∞ BlaZe ∞ ⎪Red Server⎪First Guild Of PRO's 3 servers⎪ (The rank 1 mask guild) <r><QUOTE author="Somes" post_id="427516" time="1502771159" user_id="633"><s> </e></QUOTE> noob</r>
  16. Re: insta shop: pvp stuff and rare shinies <r><QUOTE author="DarkB0y" post_id="427282" time="1502733554" user_id="237829"><s> </e></QUOTE> i will when i can, although they will be tough to get off me :p. They are not part of my shop and only really considering trading them for other shinies e.g hydreigon for S milotic.</r>
  17. start 500k insta 1m auction will last 2 days from the starting bid.
  18. hey im trying to pm you ingame but its kinda hard lol , tell me when ur online :p
  19. nice did you find it?
  20. Hi, I think this message that pops up and stops the character from encountering another wild Pokemon in the handheld games would make a nice addition to PRO. It would make it less of a chore to constantly check the chat alerting we have run out of our repel. Or would this make hunting way too easy? thoughts?
  21. could you add a timer please? Thanks ^^
  22. Re: Best skarmory of red server <t>start.</t>
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