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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. 2.3m for hp ice ala
  2. Start 1m hp fire serp
  3. 500k
  4. got a 3m b.o for bunny by Jianhao , ends in 9h after this message
  5. Bump :p
  6. 3m 5m
  7. can someone explain to me what was going on here? it occurred whilst i was pvping.
  8. 300k gengar
  9. start 200k on gengar
  10. title.
  11. 600k rotom :)
  12. bro we need start prices so we know what you want :)
  13. i was told to post here, i offer 6.5m.
  14. Hi, I have been using repel trick to hunt drilbur for the last 4 hours and im only averaging 2 per hour. However, this being a t8 poke this is a very low amount as other t8 pokes ive hunted with repel trick (sableye feebas, totadile, cottonee ect ) I have recieved about 10 per hour. Can a mod please check the drilbur spawn as I believe in its current state to be unhealthy compared to other t8 pokes. Thanks
  15. Errr i offer 2.5m if this is still going on
  16. Title, also my budget is 60m just so you know :)
  17. ^ title. i just walk pass the gaurds and i cant talk to them.
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