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Everything posted by Tzrekjad

  1. damn i wish i had money :c, nice shiny bro
  2. Re: Wts Shiny Slaking <t>any start price or price range?</t>
  3. I can confirm that this gliscor is now traded and is with me ;)
  4. 600k 600k 600k 3m bundle: all for 3.5m
  5. i offer my family
  6. .................
  7. can you do 40m+ pokes?
  8. , how do i get to surf in this area? it looks like i can just pass the tree but i can't and i see a guy surfing here but i dont know how to get there, can sum1 tell me plz?
  9. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>i offer shiny krookodile, shiny milotic, shiny absol, xmas dratini, xmas ralts, shiny spiritomb, epic bold clone venusaur, i can also add cash later if you require some.<br/> <br/> edit: i have now sold the xmas dratini.</t>
  10. ...........
  11. Re: Exterzy's - [Day care service] Cheap. <t>hey i would like ev training service, pm me when u can please :)</t>
  12. Re: Best Gligar of all servers <t>i have pmed you my offer</t>
  13. Re: some rare shinies <t>bump, lowered price of kang to 2m, from 4m</t>
  14. Re: some rare shinies <t>bump, accepting offers.</t>
  15. Re: Aerodactyl Shiny <t>ill offer S houndoom or S kangaskhan if you're interested.</t>
  16. i offer shiny kanga/houndoom for vesp incase ur interested.
  17. Re: Seeling Shiny Swinub / Buizel / Gastly <t>500k buizel</t>
  18. Server: red IGN: tzrekjad Time: GMT ( UK time ) pokemon: lvl 100 munchlax and gligar
  19. sorry
  20. 250k start do you have a particular insta/price range in mind?
  21. Re: Lots of RARE Shinys For Sale <t>whilst i think you should keep your unique collection, I would like to offer on the kanga :P, pm me in discord bro</t>
  22. broooo talk to me in discord about munchie
  23. Re: wts Cute Shiny Sudowoodo <r><QUOTE author="quanle92" post_id="457831" time="1508707944" user_id="562090"><s> </e></QUOTE> i was thinking about 5CC + cacturne? I really like cacturne which is why im not offering more CC/cash. I payed 3m for cacturne btw. so my offer is about 5m i think which is ur minimum requirment. if you wish to go along with the auction then go ahead, my offer here still stands just incase. <E>:Shy:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> That sounds cool bro , I will do the auctions for just 2 days. <e> </e></QUOTE> aight gl bro</r>
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