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About Downsystem

  • Birthday 06/18/1994

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  1. https://prntscr.com/hl2pnp the game froze until it disconected me i know keep using the bag and stuff but who does that every 15 minutes while farming cant we finaly fix this pls
  2. IGN: Downsystem (red server) Screenshots:Gastly Houndour Murkrow Ralts Stunky Question 1: What is the pokemon that is really 108 entities? Answer 1: Spiritomb Question 2: Where did Halloween originate from? Answer 2: Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, that was mostly celebrated in the area of middle and northern europe (mainly todays Germany,France and Great Britain but also some parts of Spain , Poland and even a small region in turkey) Question 3: What type has ghost not yet been paired with? Answer 3: Rock and Normal type Question 4: What ghost is immune to Tynamo? Answer 4: Tynamo is Electric type and has only electric and normal type moves so following ghost pokemon are immune :Golett,Golurk, Sandygast, Palossand (part ground types) and Shedinja (because of wonder guard), Alolan Marowak (Because of lightning rod) Question 5: How many Ghost Type pokemon were introduced in generation 5? Awnser 5: 9 (Yamask, Cofagrigus, frillish, Jellicent,Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Golett and Golurk) spooky Halloween to everyone!
  3. im ok with iv spawns but not with metabreaking op mons normal players cant get
  4. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>there is a rar missing @ five isle meadow</t>
  5. Nothing changed for me still get stuck on the npcs because the arow mechanic wants to push you seems the npcs and the scrolls arent stopping that
  6. Ty @Thor is there a gameplay reason for that or is it just a technicality? if its the later i would speak for shiny freedom ! chains hurt :3 the encounter rate per day is so low compared to normal spawn that it would be hard to get a good shiny still and allmost all trees have meh spawns so that would balance it . i would love to have a chance even the slightest because i liked my little tour de france around kanto/johto everyday^^. doing it just for the money or just 1-2 routes is kinda pointless i need that kinda mmo thing in this game because i tent to just farm and level or ev stuff over and over again that burns me out fast :( and btw i like the new dig spots
  7. im to greedy to buy some rar ones and the ones i get are meh expect 1-2 maybe someday the shiny gods shine upon me :3 nice collection !
  8. @coop33 i hope excavations arent locked and i have seen a chimchar but that could have been staff because there wasnt even headbutt @ the time i think
  9. cherubi could be found @ national park so that dosent confirm it
  10. So i just heard from one of my guild m8s that u cant get shiny via headbutt and i asked around and got pretty much confirmation but why isnt that on the forum or atleast on the headbutt intro posts? and are excavations and the doctor quest mons also locked? if yes why? i spend so much time doing this stuff and i dont know if i would continue if they are indeed locked so pls confirm /debunk this hopefully the later :3 (and pls let this post open so someone who wants to know gets a 100% anwser to^^)
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [24/07/2016 - Need Integer screenshot] <t>got azurill from INTEGER</t>
  12. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ <t>1: How many Hours have you played? - 472 <br/> 2:How many regions have you completed? - 3<br/> 3:What is your personal goal ingame? - Shyyynis of course ! ;O and completing the dex and i like pvp <br/> 4: Why do you feel Team Cosmic is the right place for you? - same taste in fashion :P<br/> 5: Are you willing to lend a helping hand? - No! :)</t>
  13. hey würd mal bei euch reinschauen bin Downsystem alle orden 500h Spielzeit schreibt mich einfach an^^
  14. @Sieglein Thanks alot :3
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